Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. As Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 4. 685 or faviour, He lightly ofcaned the rock ofhis falvation;No won- der if their rocklold them,(as is followeth verf..3o) when they valued their rocke at fo low a price. God made his people of great value (yeahe called them his peculiar treafure) and then they grew to filch high thoughts of themfelves, and were fo great in their ovine eyes, that prefently God was undervalued and little in their eyes. Thus the Lord complained, of them long after by his Prophet (Hof. 13. 6.) According to their pa- fture,fo were they filled ; they were filled, and their heart was ex- alted (not in thankfnlneffe, and in praife, but in pride)therefore they haveforgotten me.Asto remember God (in Scripture lan- guage) is to obey, ferve, and honour him, fo to forget God, is to rebell and rife up againft him. This moved the Apoftle Paul to-giveTimothy his leffon for rich men (i Tim. 6a7.)Charge them that are rich in thisworld, that they he not high minded, nor craft in uncertaine riches,but in the living Cod,whogiveth us all things to enjoy. They who are rich in this world are ufually molt_ Poore for the world to come, and while their eftates are high, their minds are higher. Low things make the mirde high, but with filch a lightneffe,as is indeed not only the lowneffe,but the bafeneffe of the mind. While the mind is hightned by the ufe and poffeflionoflow things(fuch comparatively are the higheft ofearthly things) it is it fe1'fç made lowerthen the loweft, and leffe ( not in humilitie but in unity) then the leaft of things. Then both mind andman are joweft ofall, when they negiec`t- or lightly efleeme the high Ggd.To this departure fromGod, . the pretence and aboundance Of the world endangers every man, and wicked men are ever enfihared with. the danger Thtrefore they fay to god, dejartfrom us. Ob`erve ; Secondly ; wickedmen have no mind to God,they cannot abide his pretence. There is in them an evill heart ofun6eliefe in departing from the hyingGod.(l-Ieb. '3. ?z.)and in faying to God, departfrom as. God faith tohis people (HI 9.i2,.) We untoyçu, when I de- part ; they think it Left for themwhen God departeth. Saints know not how to live a comfortable day, much leffe to be happy without him ; wicked men know not how to live a comfortable houte, much leffe to be everhappy with him. The.