Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

690 Chap. 21. An Expoftion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 14. led will of God, which they ought but tò; know and doe, they are very bufie about his fecret will, which they cannot know, but may be (though intentionally on their pact it hover be )t(one by them, and (hall (Judicially or, Gods part)tedone upon them. Hence obferve ; ÇirD, wickedmenbeare no love to, nor have any delight in the knowledge ofthe commandements and ordinances ofgod. Thus Solomon reproves them (Prov. 1.22. 25.29, 30. ) How longyePimple ones will ye lovefimplicity(he means it not of that firnplicitie which is oppofed to craftineffe and double- mindedneffe, but ofthat which is oppofed to wifdome and fpi- ritual mindedneffe, as the next words expound it) and the(cor- ners delight in their [corning, (fc: at the wayes of God) and fooles hate knowledge. He meanes not the Pmple foole ( for though fuchhave no knowledge, yet they cannot be fail to hate it ) but the filthy foole, or wicked man in the Text, their hate knowledge ; and to thefe he fpeaks (verf 25,) Te have Jet at naught all my counfell, andwould none ofmy reproofe. And againeofthefe (veri. 29, 3o.) They bated knowledge, and did not chute thefeareof theLord, they wouldnone ofmy counfell, they defpifedallmy reproofe. We are not tounderftandSolomon in there paffages, as giving the character of tome fpeciall wick. ed tnen,for though fomeare more exceffive then others in their love to the wayes of fin, yet they all (even the molt temperate) meete in this, that they defire not the knowledge of the wayes of Holínes. Here it may be queftioned, why doth theknowledge of the wayes ofGod trouble them fo much ? Indeed the pra&ireof andobedience to them may be burdenfome to naturall men, but what can their knowledge hurt or grieve them ? I anfwer ; Firft ; It is not eafieto flefh and blood to finely for, or make application to the meanes of any knowledge, much leffe of the wayes ofGod ;; I{nowledge will coft forre gaines; know- ledge, efpecially divine knowledge, is the gift of God, yet it calls for our induftry, not onely to doe what we know, hut a, ¡fo to knowwhat to tioe. (Troy. 2a 1, 2, 3, 4,) Myf$n, ifthou wilt