Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2i. An Expolition upon the Bookof J o a. Verf. 14. 691 milt receive my words, andhide my commandements with thee, fa that thou encline thineear unto wifdome, and apply thy heart to underffanding. To the receiving ofthe word and commande- ment ofGod, which hold forth the knowledge ofhis wayes, there mutt be an inclining of the Bare, that is, frequent hearing, and applyingofthe heart, that is, frequent meditation. The two next verles import yet a ftronger diligence, even a crying after (nowledge,and a lifting up the voyceforunderflanding..4feelting her asfilver, andafearchingforher, .0for hid treafure. Hence the conclufion ofthe Preacher(Eccl, a. a8.)is in force fenceex- tendible to all forts of knowledge;He thatencreafeth knowledge encreafeth forrow ; for though to know be a delight, yet the meanes ofencreafing knowledge, bath fomewhat ofpainesand trouble in it. Secondly, The knowledge fpoken of in this Scripture is not a meet. aiery notionall fpeculative knowledge, but an ex- perimentall and a prafticall knowledge ; if it were only a knowledge of the wayesof God,that we might be ableto talke and difcourfe ofthem that would Puff' ice, many wicked men might be defirous ofthat knowledge ; but becaufe this know- ledge obligeth to obedience, and they are called upon to know the commandements of God, todoe them, and to know the wayes of God,to walke in them, therefore theydefre not that knowledge. Thirdly, They delire not to know the waves ofGod, left they fhould be troubled for not walking in them. Theirigno- rance ofthem, they conceive, to be force excuse or extenuati- on of their fin in not doing them ( though indeed their igno- rance being affedted is one ofthe higheft aggravations oftheir fin ) For it is far eafier to fin without light, glen againft it, and to erre by not receiving the truth, then by holding it in un- righteoufnefJe ( as the Apof le fpeakes, Rom. i. 18 ) Light and knowledge where they are, will be urging duty upon the con- fcîence. It is no little trouble to put up their motions, and keepdown this light, and it is far more troublefome to goe contrary to them. Knowledge hath three things attending upon it. Firft, Anobligation toduty ; Aman is not free from his own bands ( though he be fromothers) to forbar the doing ofwhat he knoweth. T t t f 3 Secondly,