Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

694 Chap. 2 I. An Expofition upon the Book of J o s, Verf.-r 5. extraordinary why he fhould cxpe&, or why we fhould give himany extraordinary fervice? Such queryings whethercon- cerning things or perlons, God or man, fignifie the higheif contempt and difefteeme ofeither. When Mofes laid toGod concerning himfelfe ( Exact. 3 . I I ) whoam I that IJbouldgot to Pharoah ? He laid himfelfe quite below that important fer- vice. When David laid to God concerning. himfelfe ( z Saw7. a g.)Who am IOLordGod ? and what it my houfe, that thouhaft brought me hitherto? He laid him quite below that eminent mercy. When Nabal faid toDavids meflengers requefting a fupplyofvictual for his Army (t Sam. 25. 1o.)Who to David I andwho is the Son of?effe ? He laid himquite below that defired courtefie, When Davidfaith, Pfal. 8.-4. What isman that thou art mindful! ofhim ? He layeth himquite below theleaft wind- ings or thought ofGod. So when Pharoab laid to Mofes con- cerningGod, ( with thefe in the Text) (Exod. 5. 2. ) Who is theLord that I fhould obey bid voyce to let Ifraelgoe ?He laid the Lord ( as they here did) quite below that required duty. Such queftions as thefe doenot fo much imply a doubt, who or what God is, whom they are commanded to obey and ferve, as a refolvedneffe that he is unworthy their fervice and obedience, or that they judgehim fuch a one as they have no caufeeither to feare or love. Which we may further evidence from the peculiarityof that name, with which God is cloa- thed in theText. Almighty, What is the Almighty ?The word Saddai here and elfe whererendred,T'he:ilmighty,hath a dou- ble derivation. Firft, from a root ( Salad)which fignifieth to waft or to deftroy, implyiug the Almighty power of God to fubdue and fubjugate the greateft powers to himfelfe. Ac- cording to this meaning of the word, the queftion of thefe wicked men intimates thus much, That they feare no hurt fromGod ; though he be reported for Almighty, yet they looke upon him as weake and impotent, and therefore as flighting his ftrength, and daring him todoe his worft, they fay, what is the e4lmighty that we fhouldferve him ? Secondly, The.wordmay be deduced from a roote (Dai to which the letter Sin is added as fubfervient) which fignif eth lufficiency, plenty and aboundance. According to this inter- pretation of the word, their queftion holds out thus much, Thai