Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2t. sAn expofition upon the Bookof J o s. Vert. 15 . himwhom they doe not know ? As we doenot defire, fo we cannot honour that which is unknowne. All the fervices, fuçh as they are , which a wicked man tenders to God may beare the fame infcription which the Altar obferved by Taut amo ng theAthenian%did, .(4t1s,i7.23.) To the unknown God. If thou hedf .known thegift ofgod,(faith Chriff to the woman, 7oh.4.1 o.) andwhoit is that faith unto rhee,giveme todrink,tbox wouldefl haveaskedofhim, and hewould havegiven thee living water. Did wicked men know the livingGod, theywould ask after him, and reckon their-lives with all that they have, no- thing worth without him. 1 eleevers have attained Tome good knowledge of God ( though it be little to what they might attaine in grace, and leffe yea as nothing to what they !hall receivein Glory) are lifted up with holy Gloryings in and of God. Thus Mofes in his triumphant Song after the overthrowof Tharoahand his Egyptian Hoff in the red'Sea, (Exod. t 5. r r.)who is like unto theeOLord, amongß thegods? Who is like unto thee, glorious in bolinefs,fearful! in praifes, doing wonders. Thus the Pfalmifl crycth him up in his excellencies This god is our Codfor ever and ever ( Pfaff: 48. ,t4.) So the Church is brought in by the Prophet admiring God ( Ifa. 25. 9.) -Loe this is-our-God, we have waitedfor him and he will fave rt. ,This is the Lord,we have waitedfor him,.Oc.The wordshave a found ofvit`fory and triumph in them, intimating that fome had in fcorn (as theydid David)asked, where is nowyour Cod? or as thefe in theText, What is the Almighty ? therefore his people upon force gracious and ffrong appearance ofGod for them, doe as it were hold him upat once to the view and afro- nithment ofAll the world, efpecially of their enemies;Loe this is our god, this is the Lord.Behold andconfider, who is a God likeuntohim?your rcck,is not as ourrock,evenyour felvesbe ing Judges. whom have I in heavenbut thee, (faith David, Pal. 73.25.) and there is none upon earth that Idelire befdes thee, We fee, how the opinionand eflimation which the Saints have of God, isa s different from that ofwickedmen, as theirflare is diffferenr. Theymake their boaff ofGod all the day long;thefe; are afhamed of him, aad fay, What is the Almighty that we ;hould ferve him ? The daughters of7erufalem enquireof the Church (Cant..5. 9.) what is thy belovedmore then anthers be.. U u u u laved