Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

700 Chap. 21.. a'n Expofrtion upon the 7co&pf j o n. Vert. 15.: .meetingwith God ; and this word is fpec Tally applyed to our aneeting -God in prayer when he appeareth angry and dif- pleafed. Thus the word is ufed (7er. 7. 16.) Thereforepray_ not thcufor this people, doe not thou (faith the Lord to his Pro- phet meete me when Icome out againft.them, doe not thou ftrike in between me and them (as Mofes fometimes did)tö in.s teret<de and meditate for them, for I am.refolved todeftroy them. That Scripture (lia. 47. 3.) which we render,/ will take -von eance, and 1will not meete thee as a mars, (that is weake in power, or with compaftion filch as men fometimesfhew, but in foil: power , and with an unmoveable purpofe as God , that Scripture, I fay) is thus tendred by others, Man Jball not re¡ifl me, that is, he fhall not hinder me ofmy purpofe by prayer, -or as fume ofthe Rabbins tranflate,_or rather paraphrafe that tuft; will not admit ofany bet onfor tbee.Whereas in ano- ther place of thefame Prophet (Chap.5 9. 16.) TheLord won- dered that there wasno intercefour ; cone tomeete him with a good word for that people. In which fence we fide the word,, er 27. 18 ver. 36.28. Abigail went out to meetsDavid,and byher mediation to flop him from fhedding bloud,(1 Sam.zg. 23. ) The Lord calls his people to meete him (Amos 4 12.) Therefore thus will! doeunto thee, O Ifrael, andbecaufe Iwill do this, thereforeprepare to meete thy Cod, O Ifrael. How to meets him-? What with Armes orArmies, with the preparationof outward force? No ; What can the ftrongett Hofts ofmen doe against or with the Lord of Hofls ? This meeting then mutt be by repentance and humiliation, by weeping and invocation, God meeteth.him (with blefEngs) inhis way that rejoyceth and worketh righteoufneffe;And,he,loves, yea elpe&s that we fhould meete him in his way, mourning and praying, when he is about his works ofJudgement. M4ny godly menhave met -Godwith thefe weapons, and have prevailed, But the wicked man, eyther bathno hopes or thinks he bath no need eyther Yo prevent evil! or obtaine goodby fuch a n eeting.And there- forehe faith, wkatprofit fhall/ have, ifIpray unto (or meete) him? Hence obferve ; Iirft; wicked men are led b_y their worldly profit in al they.dee; They are ready to doe any evil! which they fuppofe may