Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

__,-------- Chap. 2I: An Expofttion upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. i6: longer? He faith, I will yet, yea for ever waite upon theLord, thoughhe deferre to do the good. J o B, Chap. 21. Verf. 16,17, 18. Lo, théirgood is not in their hand,t he counfel ofthe wic- fied isfarre fromme. Howoft as the candle of the wicked put out? andhowoft commeththeir deftru¿lion upon them ? God difiribtt- tethforrows in his anger. They are asffubblebefore thewind, and a chaffthat the florin carryeth away, j N the former words, yobhaving defcribedboth the profpe' j titie and the blafphemy ofwieked men, whom he repre fents thrufling the Lord from them'' and di(charging him their company ; Departfrom us, we delre not theknowledge ofthy wayes, &c. (Having thus, I fay , defcribed their profperitie, their blafphemy, left he {houid feeme to attributemore happineffe to them, then indeed theyhave, or at all to have approved of their courfe and counfel, which at all he had not) he fubjoynes byway ofprevention, his opinionofboth in this 16 verfe. Lo, their good is not in their band, the counfel of the wicked ufore fromme. AO' if he had laid: I have sot &sled the great fuoceffe of wic- Tiedmen, as ifgodneglet$ed the afaires ofthe world,or cared r,ot irato what hands they weredißributed, as if he had left wicked 77:04:- in their own power, to be thefounders and contrivers o their owne greatneffe ; or as ifI'my [elfe were taken with, or enviedat any of their felicitie : for Iamwell ofgtired that God dilp.efethofall there things in muchwifdome, but in no lve at all;érgocd will to them; Lo, their good is not is their hand, the counfel of the wicked is farrefromme. In there words yob gives hisopinion about the Rate ofwic- ked men, in the middeft ofall their outward pomp and world- ly fptendour; Lo, theirgood is not in their hand. The Septuagint rode 703 .