Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

G Chap. IS, art.'s expvliticn up; be `l3ook, of J o3. Verf:io they are fo fwift of wing or foote, that you muff take them at an advantage, or you cannot take them; but the wings of the Towle, and the firength ofthe beaft availe themnot when the trap bath taken them. Wicked men have ufually great abili- ties, they are fivift of foote, and nimble of wing; it is hard to `take them, their power and policy are their fecuritie; but when the Lord brings them into afnare, neither wings, nor feete, neither ftrength, nor fwiftneffe, neither wit, nor greatneffe (hall be able to deliver them. I( faith the Lord, ,limos 2. 9. ) deftroyed the ,Imorite, whole height was like theCedars, andhe wasfirong as the Oakes, yet Idefiroyed hisfruits frommove, and his rooterfrom beneath. Obferve; Fourthly; ...!wickedman when he is taken in ajudgement , the more he ftirres to deliverhimfelfe, the more he is intangled. Thus 'cis with birds or beans taken in a net or a toyle : wicked men are as a wilde Ball in a net (Ifa. 5 1. 20.) they tumble and toffe to get out, but their bands are made the ftronger, by their fiirring, and their attempts toefcape danger, engage them fatter in it. Fifthly; Grinnes and fnares and traps are all artificial!, nature doth not let them,the skill and induftry ofman Pets and lays them. Hence obferve ; Codprepares inftruments to take wicked mcn with. He hath his hunters, and his fowlers , he bath men skilfull to deftroy all forts of wilde beafts, who rife up to annoy his people. Some men are wilde beafts, tearing and fpoyling all that come, within their reach, they are Wolves and Foxes, rave- nous Birds and Vultures; for thefe the Lord hath hunters and fowlers, that can fer traps and grinnes and fpread nets to take them, they haveanart in it. The Prophet fpeakes to this allu- fion, ( Per. r6. 16. ) Behold, Iwillfendfor many fibers, faith the Lord,and they(haltffh them,and after Iwillfendfor many hunters, and they (hall hunt themfromevery mountain, and out oftheholes of the rccks.Nimrodwasamighty hunter before the Lord;TheLord had him in his eye or he did not feare to hunt and oppreffe in the eye of the Lord. (Gen. i o. 9.) The Lord bath his hunters, and