Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2Y. 6.4n expofition upon the Boo(of J o a. Verl. 16 705 neither will I give this as the (cope of lobs Text. Againe, Theirgood is not in their hand. Bygood here, we are tounderhand all which is before fet downe, as the portionof wicked men we had an inventory of their goods, a very large and faire one. Lo, Their good. Why the things of the world are called gooâ fee before (verf. 13. ) They fpendtheir dayes in wealth, or, ingood. And though they did, yet bere he faith; Theirgood is not in their hand. But how can a man fpend his dayes in that which is not in his hand ? Many have that in their hand or poffefon,in which they doe not fpend their dayes.But i t founds hard to fay, A man fpends his dayes in that which is not in his hand. Lo, their good is not in their hand. Ianfwer ; The beingofa thing in our hand imports. Firh, That it is attaineableby our owne induftry,' or that it is within our reach and power. So, when lab faith, Their good /snot in their hand, his meaning is, their riches andworld- ly aboundance wasnot attained by any felfeftifficiency. Not onely is it true in fpirituals, but alfo in temporalis ( though in thefe we can doe more) that we can doe nothing effe bvely ofour felves, or by our own flrength and wifdome, our fuffi- ciency is ofGod. Whatfoever we have in this world comes from another' hand, not from ourowne. Mr Broughton renders fully up to this fence ; Ls,their wealth commeth not by their own power. Secondly, Their good is not in their hand, that is, they have nota power to hold the good which they have received s Cum fcriptura thisI have feene (faith 7ob)in the hate of wicked men,that nei- dre!t efra cher the good they have was purely in their power to attain it, loo mauyporua nor, in their power to retain and hold it. This latter fence fome ;je;;ánozn conclude, as fpecially intended by this phrafe all the Scripture quam inaequ=- over. Ag ifto be in the hand, did rather imply an abilitie in Jen 'ein- ,teat= keeping, then inluhry in acquiring the things of this life ; yet Bold. I conceive the former fence as fayre and pertinent as the latter, and therefore from thence note. Firh, Menget not their areatnefs,whetherin wealth, orrulr, by their own power. What fob afirmesofevil! men, is true of good men too, it Xxxx