Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

706 Chap. 21, 4-4n expofition ,pon the ¶ookof J o B. Verf, 16. is a general) truth, Their good is not in their hand to get it;every good gfc comes from above. Even the things of the world, which are good gifts, though they be a lower fort ofgood gifts) are Pent by a hig`rer hand. Earth is dropt downe to us out ofheaven. Outward comforts ate not from the hand of man, eyther'meritorioufly, orefficiently. They are nor f, om his hand merito-ioufly, he deferves not ,a bit ofbread, he is fo.. far from deferving heaven, and glory, and the favour of God, that he deferves not a piece of this earth to nand or lie downe upon no nor efficiently. Proud man bath Inch an opinion of himfelfe, he is full of thefe thoughts, that at 'call the things of the world are withinhis compaffe, that he can reach and attain them by his own power, activity, and policy. Ifa.. n a, 13; The Affyrinn is brought inglorying thus ; For he faith, by the ffrengthof myhand Ihavedone"it, andby my rnlfdome, for Iam prudent, and Ihave removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treafures,.and Ihavepat down the inhabitantsof the earth like a valiant man. Here is the language ofa proud mans heat, he faith, by the ftrength ofmy hand I have done it. And the Lordwas very jealousof his owne people,that they would be attributing_their good totheir own hand, and he could not bear; it that they fhoald. (Deut. 8 . 16, 17.) therefore he ad. moni(beth them that when they cameto Canaan, and had got great eflates, and eaten and werefull, to take heed leali their hearts fhould be lifted up, (verf. 17.) And thou fay in thy heart (fuppofe it doe not break forth into words) my night and my power bath gotten this wealth, (take heed thou doe not fPeake fuch language in thy heart ) but thou,(halt remember the Lord thy God,for it it he that gives thee power toget wealth,that he may eftablifh his covenant which he-fnare to thyfathers. See herv,the things ofthe world are not in our hand, God gives PIS power to get our bread. And confider, if the Lord he fo jea- lous in this poynt that he will not induce men to afcribe to their owne flrength or hand the gettingof the treafures ofthe world : howwill he take it at their hands that fay heaven it felfe is in their hand, the good ofeternall life is in their hand, or that they can fetch it in by their own earnings, that they are not beholden to Chri(l onely, or alone forit, but they can merit for it ? There is a touch of this in all our hearts, though we