Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2i. !1`n é'xpofrion upon the Bookof ,j o s. Serf. 16 portion in this life, and that is not a portion They have goods in theirhand, but t hat which is indeed their good is net in their hand. Hence note ; That which is trulygood, or will really doeany mangood, is not in the hand of a wickedman. Let him, have what he will in his hand, his good is not in his hand ; yea ,it had been better for him not to have had this good in his hand, unleffe he had fomewhat that is better. (Pfal. 4. 6,.) The menof the world cry out, who will Jhew Its anygood? What is their good?David tells us,Corne andwine, and oyle, goldatadflver, the riches and greatnele of the world, thefe are a very low fort ofgood, and comparatively thefe are no good at all. Give methe light oft by countenance (faith he )., this good they have not in their hand;They have not the grace or favour of God in their hands, they have not a portion of fpirituals in their hands' ; their good is not in their hand, b - caufe that is not there which indeed would make them happie. ?oh did,not looke on wicked men as truely happie, though he fpake fo much.ofthis outwardhappinefs ; Their good is'not their hand. The counfel ofthe wicked isfar from me. In thefe words fob makes a modeft comparifon between his. owne and theconditionof the wicked; The counfel ofthe wic- ked isfarfromme. Counfel, is not to be taken here fin tily for that which is the preparation to ation, after icquifition and debate , For the iffueofboth, is counfel. But here counfel is to be underftood in a larger fence ; The counfell of the wicked, is, their courfe, their opinion, their way, their purpofe, what- foever is decreed and refolved by them, that is their counfel. Now, faith he, this counfel, (or courfe)ofthe wicked isfarfrom me. eenftiumpon? But howwas their counfel far from `lob ? Every good man onpro coca a. cannot keepe evil) counfel far from him. Evill men may give £ojjdA racione, good men bad counfel : yea a good man cannot keep himfelfe from the evil) counfel of the Devil!, why then doth he fay, She counfel ofthe wicked isfarfromme? Satan will be inililling hellifh