Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

7:o Chap. 21. An Expo&ion upon the Book of J o B. Verl, 16 are not feene are eternali. The th ingswhich are molt feen now, will not be feene long, no nor be long. As k is laid of Tire (Ezek 27 36.)The Merchants among the people fhallbiffe at thee, thou fbalt be a terreur, and never(halt be any more : orfbalt not be for ever. Secondly, obferve; Godly men are nct at all pleafedwith the way ofthe wicked howmuch foever they thrive in it. q6b had laid much ofthe greatnefre,riches,and glory of the wicked : but, faith he, how ever,The counfel ofthe zricke,d is far ¿romwe. The wayes of the godly and thewicked differ, as much as their ends; and their counfels areas diftant as their conclufions will be. Every good man faith of the counfels and wayes of the wicked, how profperous foever, as ?acob laid ofhis fons, Simeonand Levi,(ÇCen, 49. 6.)Omyfoul, come not thou into theirfecret, unto their aJ emblymine honour be not thou united. Let me be far from their fecret, that is,from theirfecret counfel,from their cabinet counfel,and clofe committees,0 myfoul come not thou into theirfecret. The further we keep from their counfel,the neerer we are to bleffednefïe. (Pjal. r. i.) Blefjed is the man_that n-alktetb not in the counfel ofthe ungodly.And as the Godly are far from the counfel ofthewicked,fo the wicked are as far from the counfels ofthe godly ; they alfo fay, The counfel offinch itfarfrom sss, we cannot abide their counfell. (Pf. 14.6 )Tehave fhamed the counfel of thepoore, that is, ye are afhamedof hiscounfel. What poore doth he meane? He meanes it not ofany poore ; though it be a truth, that a poore mans counfel is feldomeheard (great men are ulually afhamed ofpoore mens counfel, As Solemn fpeaketh in his Ecclefiafles, (Chap. 9. i 6.) Toe poore mans wifdome is defsifed,and his words are not heard.) But here by poore, he meanes the godly poore, men fearing God, as it is plaine in the latter end of the verte : youare afhamed ofthecounfell ofthe poore, why? becaufethe Lord is hierrefuge. His counfel Bothdepend on theLord; trufl in the Lord, malke in his wayes, fhelter your (elves under his pro. teetion, this counfel the poore man gives , and hemnfl: needs be a godly man that gives this counfel. This counfel youhave flamed, that is, defpifed What have we to do with this cou; tel,