Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21 As Expoftìou "pox tip; Bookof J o B. Verf. 17. 7; fel, to make the Lord our refuge ? ND, we will takeour own courfe, and work it out byour own wit. ,Thus wicked men are from the counfel ofthegodly, and godly men art as far from the counfel of the wicked. yob proceeds. Verf. 17. How oft is the candle of the wicl_ed put cut ? Herebegins the fecund part of that Chapter. As in the fore mer he proved by cleare experiences, the profperitie ofthe wicked , fo now he proves that the wicked are not alwayes profperous, but meete with checks and contrary Watts, aswell as others. How oft is the candle ofthe wickedput out ? There are two opinions concerning the generali tendency of this latter part of the Chapter. Some think, (as hath been toucht) that lob having before declared the outward happineffe of wicked men Both here as it were turne theTables, and defcribe their mifery, by way ofAdtniration.How oft is the candleofthe wick- Conc¡uditccntra edput out. Or ifthey efcape their children pay for it, as it fol- amrcos fuo,bona lows verf.21. This may feeme to contradictwhat he fpake be- &maia ro hic foreof the flourifhingRateofwicked men, prefently to adde, Vitaatu a How eft L. thecandle of the wickedput out ? But indeed it only dirt contradifts what his friends fpake before, whole opinion was, Re,útatur that God forteth out the things of this life fo didinetly, that io;i<m (ènren is to thewicked he gives nothing but mifery and forrow, and to t'rptos ¡e :raper the righteous, nothing but mercy and comfort. Now lob takes hicpuniri,?rnum this off; he affirmes that wicked men are ufually filled with accé ms,ueos worldly abundance, which is againft their opinion, yet he al- punáyi d nnn firmes alfo that wicked men are often plunged into outward puniri. tj c, mifery, that they alto are brought into {traits and darkneffe. Thus he renders the opiniónofhis friends altogether incon- liftent with his experiences ; they laid, that evil! men receive onely evil! ; no, faith he, evil! men receive abundance ofgood in this world ; yet I doe affert that evil! men alto receive evil! too ; fo that there can be no diflinguifhing of mens fpirituall eftates by their temporal! fufferings or enjoyments, Peeing . wicked men fometimes are not punned here, and fometimes, are. Secondly, Others underftand the whole context thus, as if 7cb were Will defcribing the profperous ftate of the wicked, and,