Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

_71'2 Chap. 21. An Expefition upon 'the Bookof J o a. Veri, t 7, and continued the fame difcourfe to the at verfe. And then thequetlions here are to be expounded negatively ; Howoft is the candle of the wickedput out? Can you give many inftances of it ? is this very oft ? are wicked men commonly found in dark- reffe, or in trouble? So he meets with both the alertions ofhis friends. Bildad laid, (Chap. i 8. 5, 6.) The light ofthe wicked is put out, and the fjrarkofhisfirefball notThine ; the lightAtli be dark inhit tabernacle, andhis candle !ball be put out with him. Well, faith fob, this is your opinion, I pray, tell me, How oft is the candle of the wickedput out ?Have you lien this frequent- ly, that you make fuch a dire& conclufionofit? Again Zophar in the clofeof the 20 Chapter, when he had drawne out the judgements ofGod in many particulars, concludes (verf. 29.) This is theportion ofa wicked manfrom God, and the heritage appointed him b, god. blow fobanfwers,whereas you,OZopbar, conclude your innumerationofevils, with,This is the portion of a wicked man fromG01.1 pray how oft doth God diflribute fuch evils to them in anger?Both he it fo often, as gives you a fuffi dent ground to make foperemptorie a conclufion ? This is the portion of awicked manfromGod. aotic, tote,? Take the wordseyther of thefe wayes, there is a faire cor- e, poni in ciej- refpondencie with the feope of the place, and with fob's pur- ít, q d f,r pole, nor doe eytherofthefe interpretations give any firaine rci frara'ituádar or offer violenceto the original Text. For the firfl word that acp,nenfit we render howoft ?is expounded fometimes by way ofincreafe, T'"Pgi contra lometimes by way of diminution. In the former fence, how quart) o f dix: oft ? founds a thing donevery frequently ; In the latter, how uu. 1.rc. oft ? founds a thing fe'dome, or rarely done How oft have you had fuch experiments? thati., you haverarely had them. how oft is Inch a thing done ? that is, it is feldome done. Mr Broughton traoflátes clearely to this expofition, 2\ot fo often is the candleofthe wickedput out, &c. Howoft is the candle ofthe wickedput obit ? By the candleof the wicked, fume underfland their lives, that is, how oft doe wicked men come ro a fudden and unexpe&ed dea h ? Ì,b faid before, Theygrow old : His friends had fail, Theyare cut of. Hereaccording to the latter expofition, he' queries, Can you give many influxes that the candle ofthe wicked