Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2I. An Expofttion upon the Book, of Jo a: Verf. 17. 713 wicked bath beenput out ? that their lives have been extra,'' ,guifhed ? The life ofman may well becalled his candle, and the life ofman goes out after the manner ofa candle. A candle goes out three wayes, and fodoth the life of man ; firft, for want of moyfture to feed it : thus the life of man goes out when the moyfture of the body is fpent, and confumed, when it is drunke and dried up by old age, or hot diftempers, then out goes the life ofman like a candle, Secondly, A candle goes out,through the redundancy ofmoyfture, the oyle fometimes drowses the lamp, as well as feeds it: Thus alfo moyfture overflowing the body of man, puts out or quencheth life.` Thirdly, acandle is extinguift bya vehement wind that blows it out And the lives ofmany men are put out by violence,` theircandledoth not burnour,but is-blown out. And thus efpe-;, ciafly,the lives ofwicked men are put out; They are cut off by a handtaf juftice before they have lived out balftheir dayes, or if they attaine tofulneffe of dayes, their hoary head defcends not to the gave in peace. Secondly, Others underftand by Candle, their Childrenp Amans childrenareas fo many lights in his houle : as they . die, his candles are put out and if they all dye, his candleas put quite out. Thirdly, and more generally, the word is ufed tofignifie any, or all forts ofworldly profperity, The light ofthe wick: ed can be nothing but outward profperity, in all the forts ofit 'So the word is frequentlyufed (rrov. 13. 9. ) 'The light if the righteous rejoyceth but the lampofthe wickedfl ag be put outä' that is their profperity (hall ceafe ; read 2 Sam. z r, 17. 2 King. 8. r9. Pfd. 132. ay. in all which places, light, lamp.` and candle, expreffe outwardly fplendor, and profperity: Ho, oft is thecandle ofthe wickedput out :? Taking the words in tho firfi fence, howoft ? that is, veryoft, Obferve, Theworldly glory and outwardpomp cfwicked men is manì, timesput out in darkneffe Taking the words in the fecot3d fence, how.oft ? that iss of often ; you cannot give frequent experiments of this? Note