Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

r Chap. zr. iln,Expolition upon the Boo_ of J o a. Verf. every onehath his lot.Thus land in a common field is divided, and thus 7ofhua divided Caanan among the twelve Tribes, he divided it to them by lot ; fuch a diftribution the word fgni.. dies god(hall diftributeforrowes to theta by lot. éleditributethforrows. %, That word fignifieth, a coard, or a line, that line with. E®tarer; fxnet, which an inheritance is divided, a meafuring line, a line to tartiet r, fur- áneafure land by. So (Pfal. a 6.6.) The line isfallen to me in a e;irutio h&redi. faire place; that is, my inheritance is divided, or fhared our to Oates divicli- me in a faire place, I have a fair lot. The elegancy is remark- able. God dittributeth forrowes bya line, as the portion and inheritance which wickedmen than receive. (Luk. 12. 46. ) The Lord ofthat fervant comet?) in dad when be looked notfor him, &c. and will appoint him his portion with theunbelievers.. CloddiJiributeth forrowes..To fay God difiributeth a portion in anger were fadenough for every portion that God diftribu- tech in anger can be nothing but format. But to diftribute forrowes in anger, imports the molt forrowfull diftribution. And betides, the word fignifies not only forrows, but thegrew- tett forrows, thole forrows that iraiten as a coard, which binds the part fo hard that it caufeth paine, or fuch forrows as a wo. man hath in travel', The Greek Tranflaters expreffe it by a word noting the pangs and throwsof a,travelling woman, god diftributes thefe forrows.. In his anger: That is, Godbeingangry, or when he is angry he d4ributes thefe forrows. In what fence, anger or anyother paílions are laid to be in God, bath been fhewed from other Texts ofthis Book. Andwhen it is Paid, that god: doth a thing in anger, the meaning is not that he Both fome things in a quiet temper, and other things in a diftemper, as men often dóe; but that he Both force things for the goodandbenefit, other things for the hurt and vexationofman; yet as the one in mercy, and the other in judgment, fo both according to the higheti rules of reafon and righteoufnefe. Thus the wofull condition ofa wickedman is defcribed, ek the dif leafureandangry_difpenfations of God. Hence