Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2i. An Expofition upon the Book ofJ o B. Hence Note ; firft, r Sorrow Is the portion, or inheritance ofthe wicked. The lot ofthe wicked falls in theLandofforrow and dark neffe, ofmourning and lamentation, this is their proper lot Though at prefent they live in the light of outward joy, yet their portion is darkneffe and forrowes. What elfecan be their inheritance but forrow, whoabide under the anger of God ? Believers are heires of the promife, and therefore peace and joy are their portion. The wicked are heires of the curte, they are as furely heirsof theeurfe, as the Saints are ofthe promife, and therefore forrow is their portion. The anger and curie of God have nothing but evill in them, as his flavour and the pro., . mile have nothing but good in them, Secondly, Obferve; Thefarrows of wicked menare divided to them by the handof god. Hishand is in the worke : God difiributes to every man his portion.All our lots are fet out by his hand.The word (God) is not expreft in the Hebrew, but he is in it : who is thediftribu- ter, but the Lord ? Hè diftributeseviti as well as good.The pro, phet challenged) all falle Gods Let them doe good or evill,that we may know that they are gods( Ifa. 41. 23. ) Thediftributi. onofevill fpeakes God as much as the difiribution ofgood : It is the honour of God to be the diliributer ofboth. Anchfince it is in the hand of God to diftibute, and apportion out to wicked men their due, they (hail be lure to have it : for he is a juft God, and he Teeth all the wickedneffe of their hearts, and he will not be taken off by intreaties, or blinded by gifts, they can pleadnothing to take him off from this diftribution 'tis their due, and they ffiall have it. God difiribateth forrowes, in his anger. Obferve Thirdly; It is very dangerous to provoke god to anger: To doe fomay quickly be to our forrow, for he diftributei sorrows in his anger. Therefore the Pfalmift exhorts, (Pra/.2.f 2).Kigi,lhe Son, that is, with akiffe of homage and fob.; miffion) Vert .17 7X7