Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

718 (hap. 2t. An Expofition upon the Book of Jos, Verf. 17, million) ¡mil he he angry. Why, what's the danger ofthat ?` the next words !hews ie,andye periAfrom the way,(ofyoue i ur- poftsand never reach your ends) when his wrath is kindledbut a little, bleffed are all they that pat thtir trail in him>'The Pfalanift leaves us to imagine . how conedandmtilerabie their effate will be who provoke God, while he thus eligantly goes offfrom it ( the file ofhis fpeech callinghim rather to fpeake that) and concludes, 3leffed are all they that truf# in horn. Fourthly, Obferve; 'The forrows of trickedmen flow from the wrath andanger of Cod. Goddiftributeth forrows to many of his own people, he gives them fometimes a very uncomfortable portion ; but he doth not diftribute forrows to them (purely) in anger. All the forrowes,he diftributes to his own people, have a mixture of love and mercy. To beunder the anger ofGod is more grie- vous, then to be under forrows fromGod. The angerof God is worfe then forrow. Therefore D :viddeprecates it ( Pfal. 6. I .) Lord rebuke one not in thine anger, nor chaften me in thy hot difpleafure. He lothnot deprecate rebuking, or chaftening,he Bothnot pray againft thefe, but he prayes against rebuking to anger, andchaftening inhot difpleafure. Gods anger is more ter- rible then his rebuking, andhis difpleafure then his chattering. Therefore ( faithhe) Lord, whatfoever thou deeft to me, doe noching inanger; yet fo the Lord rebukes wicked men, he gives them forrow and anger together, ( Pfal, i r. 5.) The Lordtryetlo the righteona : but the wickedandhim that lover vio- lence hiafoule hateth ( from this hatred what follows? ) upon the wicked Godfha ain,fire andbrimfone, and an horrible tempoft, this' á ¡hall b,00rtionoftheir cup. Their cup hach not onlyfire and brimftoneand tempest in it, but hatred in it. and this makestheir cup fo bitter, this is the very dreggs ofit. The enc-' mies of the kingdome ofChrift a;e thfas threarned(Pfal. a 5.) Hefhallfpeake to them in his wrath, and vex them In hisfore dif- pleafa+re; he íath not with it, but in it. When he is in his highelt difpleafure, and wrath, then he fhall fpeake. God fpeaks terrible words when he fpeaks inwrath, and he vexeth man to purpofe when he vexeth him in his fore difpleafure. Thus