Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

An L.ra?tion upon the $oo/Z cf J o II. Verf. 18 719 Thus tic (peaks to the Kings of the' earth, and the Princes, and to all the inraged multitude, who combine to breake his bands, and to call his coards rrom them, who would hinder the great defigne of the in advancing the Scepter of his Son over the world. And whenGod deales thus with any fort of fin. hers, be takes a kinde ot'c omfort in it, (Ezek, 5.13.) Thtu my anger (hall be acccmpláfhed, and Iwill caufe myfury to reft open them,(ifthe fiery of the Lorddo but touch a man,wo unto him : but when a main is made as the rer ing place of the fury of the Lord, how can he abide it ? how reftleffe mull he be ? yet thus faith the Lord, I i-ia caufemyfury to ref upon them) an 1will be cemforted,and they [hall know that I the Lordhavefpoken in my zeale,when I haveaccomplfhed my fury in them. As(in reference to his own people ). when the Lord accomplifheth his love in them, and caul th hisfavour to reft upon them, then he is as it were comforted, it pieAtthhim ycly much.So, when he pdures out judgem.:uts an, evils upon wicked men in fury and wrath, in the height and heat of wrath, this comforteth him, and pleafeth him. God form:times' diftributerh forrows with for- row, and he fpeakes ofhimfelfe as grieved when he puts men to ' griefe ; brrr whet: G d scloth not only dtflribute forrowes in anger, br t in r :hat is, when he Both not only erprefTe himfelfe as +. ;aruforted while he dealeth out for-. rowes to . as their courfe before was out of tmeat'ure l: ;. ten; cafe is out ofrneafure forrowful, ? hit? t fully in the next verfe. Veìi. r r are asftubble before the wink, and as chafe that heftarme carries away. Thus is it with wicked men, according, to our reading : and ac ordiageóthe fecond interpretarion,of, How eft is their can., d'epest otsi ?we ma.y.adde, Howoft are they aeRubble.'Tis ufu- all in Scripture to compare wicked men to Hubble r;d chaffe ; we have themb:tr [?e c, fluib ein the t a!k, Rubble is that which is left áfrer rbc corne is reaped : and the chaffe is that in vibich theOren is wra¿ped in the care, till it b,o threfhed and winnowed. The fl"`':`>ie is nothing to the earl:, and the chaffe in the finore is nothing to the corne in the floor ; the wicked are but thèfe(nibble and chaffe. They Chap. 21.