Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

owarprearmsemearessea zo hap..2t. u n Expoftion upon the Boob of J oar Verf. $; They are -sty' flubble before the winde. That is, they are eafilydi.f iipated, and quickly carried away-2 Stubble makes little oppofition against the winde ; the warre is notgreat between the winde and the Straw, between the cl.affe and the forme : Stubble and chaffe are as much a match for windes and forms, as the wicked:are for thewrath ofGod. Holy David (mfal. a.) having fpokenofthe Liabilityofthe godly, fübjoynes, The ungodly are notfá, but as the ch4e which the winde drivethaway. And whenDavidLaw his enerliies de- , ferted ofGod, notwithitandiog their feeming devotions and earneftneffe in calling to him for helpe, he prefently ads(Pfal. 1 8.42.)Then did 1 beat them fmall as the duff or chafe before the wino e.It is an eale matter to deftroy thofewhomGod refufeth to helpe, and-to make them as chaffe, whole rocke theLord re- fufeth to be. The holy prophets are frequent in this ffmilitudi.. nary language, Ifa. 57, 13. Hofea 13. 3. 6 -c- Every man .is but as duff and chaffe (eafily carried away) in regard ofhis na- tural! conftitution.: wicked menare fo, muchmore, before the indignation ofGod, in regard both oftheir natural and .ac4u- all corruption. Someby. the winde in the Text, underftand evil!fpirits, who are calledallo thefury of the Lord, and by whofe miniftryGodSometimes executes his vengeance upoti the wicked. ( 'Pfal. 35. 5.) Let them be as chafe &fore the .winde, andthe efingelof the Lord fcattering them. Angels are mighty in power : and not onlygood,but evil! Angels receiving permiffìon or commiffion fromGod can Scatter the wicked as fiiìbble before the winde. Or ad the chafe that theflorme carr'ieth away. Here he lets the form againft the chaffe,as before the winde againft the ftubb'e. The word Signifies an extraordinary form, aviolent form, a kindof hurricane, which is able to throw down trees and houles; yea even to fhake rocks and mountains, what worke then will it make with chaffe ? Thus the Prophet fpeakes, (Ifz. 17, 13.) The nationsAall rufh, like the rufhing ofmanywaters:bnt God[hall rebuke them,and theyfhall fleefar of and!hallbe chafed as the choffe ofthe mountaines before the wind: and like a railing thing before the whirlwind. We put in qhemir- gine