Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

72z Chap. 23. 4.4n Sxpofition spots the Tool of J o a. Verf. IS-. indeed he is but light in the ballante, and is ju ftly counted a chaffie man. Secondly, They are as chaffe; that is, little worth. The wicked man is of littlevalue or worth in the eyes of God and good men. Every believer is precious in the eyes of God (Ifo. 43.4.) Since thou waft precioni inmyfight, thouhaft been honourable. TheGodly are as wheat, the wicked areaschaffe. (7erem 23.28.) what it the chafe to the wheate ? If we fec a ballad ofchaffe by a bufbel of wheate, what is the chaff to the wheat ? ofno value or price in comparifon. Wicked men are ofno morevalue in comparifonof them that have true grace, then the chaffe is to the wheat, or theftraw to the corne. Solo- mon faith (Prow. lo. 20.) The tongue ofthe jufl is ae choice fil- ver, but the heart ofthe wicked le little worth. Solomon makes not the comparifon upon even termes, between the tongueof the juft and the tongue ofthe wicked ; but he preferres the, tongue ofthe juft (an inferior member), before the heart of the wicked, which (though in a moral confiderationit be his worfi part, yet) in a natural confiderátion is his heft and nobleft part. Now ifthe tongueof thejuft (that is,his abilitie and manner of (peaking) be a4 choiceflyer, then fureiy his heart, (that is,his abilitieand manner ofthinking and reafoning)muft needs beas the fineft gold. And if the heart of the wicked be little worth, his tongue cannot be worth any thing at all.Who would give any thing for thoughts of droffe and words of chaffe; yet thefe me allthat the heart and tongue of a wicked man can produce. Thirdly, They are as Rubble and chaffe, becanfe though . alone they are worthleffe, yet they have a kinde of ufefulnefTe' even to godlymen inoutward fociety. The ftraw or Rubble bath ufefulneffe to the Bare, it beares up the care ; and the chaff bath ufefulneffeto the wheat, it covers the-wheat,it keeps and preferves the wheat. TheLord in this fence oftenmakes wick- ed men Rubble and chaffe to his people, that is, they are ufe-- full to them. I need not ftraine the fimilitude, but take it up only in general. The providenceofGod bath fo ordered it to view,that m any wickedmenare a prote&ion to the peace and very fubfervient to the comfort & prefent welfare ofhis people in this world ;though they be chaff, yettheycover the wheat, ehoug