Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

724 Chap. 21. e/fn expoftion upon the Bockof Jos. derf, tß. fhall threfh and fan, and make as chaff, and the winde "ball car- ry them away, and the rrhirlwinde /Ballfcatter them Therefore let not the mighty man glory in his mght. The Lords anger is as a ftorme, or a winde, and the meaneft worme that he ufeth ais- a new fharpe threfhing inftrument, to breake them into chaffe. And this hedoth, in his anger, not onely to Tingle perlons in power, but to the moft powerfull States and Na fions of the world, as is reprefented in that molt illuft ions Tropheticall vitaons of the foure Monarchies ruin'd by a fifth, (Dan. 2 3 5,) Then waa the iron, the clay, the braffe, thefilver, andthegold, broken topieces together,andbecame life the chaffof the Summer threfhing fioare, and the winde carried them away, that no place mai foundfor them, and the front that¡mote the i- mage becameagreat mountaine, andfiled the wholeearth. We fee how it is not only with wicked perlons, but wicked powers (this great In age the Iron, and clay, and braffe, and filver, 64gold,typed all the powers of the world oppofìng the King. dome of the Lord Jefus Chrift, openly, or !ècretly, dirediv, or indirectly i they areas f ubble before the winde, and as chafe Ghat theferme carrieth away.