Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2,gó As Expofiti.on upon the Soak of J o B. Vert: 19. 725 J o F; Chap. 21.. Verf. 19, 2C, 21. God layeth up his iniquitie for his children:he rewardeth him, and hejhall know it. His eyespallfee his defirtdion, andhefaall drinkof the wrash of the o4!mighty. For what pleaftere bath he in his houfe after him, when the number ofhismonth, is cut of *themiddeft N the former words 70b fpske in the plural! number, they are as Hubble, and at chaffe before the minds. Here in the fingular, God layette up hie iniquitiefor hiechildren. And yet he fill 1peaks to the fame poynt, and of the fame perfons,Such va- ryings of the number are not unufuall in Scripture. Reade Ikea2.17, 13 &c. The words are a continuation of the former argument, as was opened before. Verf. 59. God layeth uphis iniquitiefor his children; The wicked mans iniquitie is layd up by God as a trea.. utr. for fo the proprietieofthe word beareth. God layeth uphis iniquitie fate t for fo we defile our treafure fhould be. Whenmen layup their treafures, they will have them (as we fay) forth coming. The wicked fcatter their inigtt ties, but Godgathereth them together,andwill have them forth -corn °ing indue time. He layeth up his iniquitie, or paine, or forrow. One word fignifies iniquitie, paine, and forrow, becaufe .Ytá eùcd t they who doe iniquitie, fuffer paine and forrow for it ; ini- rem, i ;_ quitie is indeed loch droffe, that it is not worth the treafuring, gairarem f&i- yet the Lord layeth it up Or, he layeth up his iniguitie, that is, at ; quia fi the punifhment of his iniquity. We lay up fin, and God lay- Duimir; eth up judgement ; he layeth up the rewards and recompence, t0 l Yertut( 3= pfiniquitie. sioJegxitur; Some render, He layeth up firength. And then it is expound- ed, not for the ftrength of the wicked man,but for the ftren th