Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

726 !Chap. 21. An Expotitian upon the Bookof J o a. Vert. Ig. Dens re ferva- ofGod ; As jibe had laid ; Though godhatbfcattered the wic= 3it ftij ejut ro- kedman himfelfe as with the winde, andas the chafe before the b trf axrn Nion' whirlewinde ;yet he la eth uphis rength or his c ren,that Q,dr adhucrnt y p f ÿ 27r ;, í a Codpath yet greaterjudgements, f arer evils tobring uponhisfa- pro:euofa vimeï mil e, aidpoieritie, then ever yetfellupon binafelfe : he bath layd refervz5:t in upfrzrength for his children. As ifGod did afflict him but with fatatrh rr 're/9 his weaknef a with his little finger, and refereed his arme to ; ftrike his children with as ifhe would make his little finger penitus an'e Bo'd. heavier upon his children, then his loynes had been upon their Fathers, or as if having chaftized thefathers with whips, he meant to chaflize the children with fcorpions. Bither ofthefe interpretations the`fingle termes will beare, yet the difficultie remaines in making out the fcope and tendency ofthe whole Text. There is a fourfold explication given ofit. Firfl thus, Someexpound the whole by repeating the fore going interrogation negatively, as I Chewed upon the former verfes ; How oft ( faithhe) ù the candle of the wickedput out ? That is, Their candle is not often put 'out, or it is feldome put out. Thus here, How oft dothGod lay up his iniquitiefor his d. raro hoc children ?Not often ; Foras himfelfeprofpered in perfon, fo : video many times his family and children profiler. 'ris but rare a :- ri,%Os tmpiót,rum that God layeth up iniquitie for his children. AndCo, áccórd- corum&6e, ing to this expofition he carrieth on the flourifhing ftateorehe s-,wneabire & wicked wan, who as he lived himfelfe in all profperitie, fo doe ïr re vivere his children after him. 'Tis an experienced truth, God a!amitacu,n hath , axpertet.Merr. pat fuffered bothwicked men and their children to flown, and grow great in the world : he doth not prefently reckon with the children, as he did not with their fathers. Secondly, Someofthe Rabbins expound 7o6 in there,word% din +lie impius taking offthe aftlic4jon from the children, and fattening it upon torn z,rta i,npu the father.As ifhe had laid, Whatl"Sball thitr wicked man live, re' fact r(j pn. and prof frer all bis dayes ?fhall he who bath done fo muchevillfeel "Minfili'v . none? (hall be carry it without any the lea touch from the handof î>icf 2icur? God,and/bail the loadandbterthen ofthejudgement light only tip- 1).».7( Rob. on his children ? What? will God lay up al the ptanifbment ofhis `St], iniquitie for his pof eritie ? is this yuflice ?cloth this look like the - doings ofGod,thatthefather thrive, and his children onely be un- done ? Which fence they conceive continued in the latter part oftheverte, which cacumendcth the jufticeofGod, and exalt- ._. eth