Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. ZI An Expoftion upon trat B(,okof J O B. Vert. 19. eth his righteoufne% in this determit atiqji ; God will repay him into his own boiome as he hath deferved. God will reward him, and hefhall know it, his eyes [hallfee his deflrut2`ion, and be [hall drink ofthe wrathof Almighty.God will not lay up ini. quity for his children, and let him efcape. No, himfelfe thall be punifhed, and (mart for his folly, he (hall taft how evil and how bitter a thing fin is. This alto bath been verified by fre- quent examples. The judgement ofmany wickednen doth not fleep, nor their defiru&ion (lumber:God pretend}, cuts off° fuch parents in the lightand heateof their iniquities. Thirdly, (neer this fence) the words are-read, as an anfwer toan objedion.This having beenaffirmed by-7ob,that theLord doth not oftenput out the lamp of the wicked, that he doth not make them as chaffe andRubble, but thatthey profper,anct growgreat inthe world. Zophar (wholeopinion is here oppo- Mgr (inq+e- fed) is fuppofed to replie ; what thoughGod doe not afflitl the >is)reperft1js tricked manhimfelf,andput out his lampyet be layeth up his ini- a oo v;olentiarts quityfor his childoen.Tbus Mr & uTeems to interpret th sText, ¡KILT; But you willfay to me, though the wicked man himfelf be not pu- nifhed, yet Godla eth up his iniquity for his children thefathers (h`'ic,, 1 P 9 yf z erví,fr.;toru., fin,fhall be thechildren: portion.To which objecetion lob is con- !i eins exiti,m ceived making anfwer in thenext words , No (if what you of ¡",n. Vie. firmewere the law and confiant rule of his proceeding) God Ea' would rather repay the wickedman himfelf, and make him know what it is tofinagainff him, hieeyes fhould rather behold bis de, ffruílion,and be himfelfdeferves much more todrinkofthe -rrath' oft he Almightie then hischildren.Beftdes, what cares hef,r his koufe, or what becomes ofhisfamiliy, when the number of his months isaccomplifbed, and cut (gin the middefl?He being dead feels neither the(mart nor the comfort ofhis children, what ever` theprovidence ofGod difpenceth or allotteth them, concernes him little, and will not then touch or trouble him at all.As if lob had fa-id toZophar,Though l denynotthe thing, that God doth lay up the iniquity of the parents for the children,yet, according toyour principle andpofition, it feemes more confonant that the wicked man fhoteld be punifhedin his own perfon, then in his pefteritie. C' a`er,rii Fourthly, Moa, bothofthe Latine and Greek Interpreters.- ex.,err"'n agree in this expofition, that ?ob here defcribes the mifery ofa a ; atrceriaa 4 wicked man, and the judgement ofGod upon him, as in refe- redunda urttz rence