Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

728 Chap. 21. An Expoftion upon the Bookof j o B. Veri, j rence tohis owne perfonall farrows, fo in reference to thofe which afterwards befall his childrenarid familie; Howoft íQ the candle of the wicked man putout ? howeft doth coddrivehim as chafe before the winde ?yea, andnot onely fo, but JJod !ayes up his iniquityfor hit children, that is (as elfewhere frequently in Scripture) the punifhment ofbis iniquity. They fhall (mart as well as he himfelfedid, and be wrapt up in thofe calamities which were bred in their fathers fins, and perfected by their owne. Hence obferve., Thefins ofparents are jeeffly punil"aable in theirpofferitie,. As many parents, by wickedneffe ¡lore up riches for their children, fobecaufe oftheir wickednetfe, God fores up wrath for theirchildren. Nor may it femeunreafonable, or unjua that heBoth fo : for the fon fucceeds into all the rights ofhis °äsrureJ'is ccn deceafed father, and this is one ofthem; Hebath but his right ,ècutru fÌt. ur in whatforver he is punithed. As God may juf}ly punifh the cures fuccedrzt fin of a man in his cartel andeftate, -fo his children . 714 oarne )us ode- becaufe they not onelyb:long to him, but area part ofhim. asffi:'Nihil in But it may beobjefted, how then Both the Prophet Ezekiell com nodí eft, f illo,a,ncam¡int affirme from theLords moath,thar the fanThal not bear the ini- boteenrgsait- quitieofthefather , andthefou! that jmnneth ¡hall de ? (Ezek. term fast. 18. 20) And how fhall we reconcile this of the Prophet with Coc. that whichGod himfelfe fpake in the Law, threatning the chil- dren of the wicked, and their chiidrens children for their ini- quitie, (Ex5d. 5. 20.)1 the Lord thy Gadam ajealous Çcd,vi/w ting the iniquities of thefathersupon the children, to the third andfourthgeneration of them that hate me` OneScripture faith, Thefontalt not bear the iniquity ofthefather,and another faith, that the fon stll bear-e the iniquity ofthe father,or, that God will ifit the iniquitie of thefathers upon the children to the third and . fourth generation. anlwer, for the clearing of thofe Scriptures that when the Prophet faith, thefon ¡ball not bear the iniquity ofthefather, it may understood eyther ofthefe two waye,. 'Firft, thus, he than not beare it , in reference to e ern,all punifhmenr, Godwill not damne a fon, for the finof his father, but he may brirg many chaftifements and forrows upon a fen, for the tins of