Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. zi. -An Bxpofition upon the Bookof J o a. Verf. 19. of the father. Secondly, we may underftand theprophet thus, Thefen fhall not bear the iniquity ofthe Father, that is, ifthe fon depart from the iniquity of the' Father, ifthe fon doe not imi- tate the fathers iniquity, then the iniquity of the Fatherfhall not redound to the fon ; but if the fon tread in his Reps, and write upon hisCopie, then the Ion fhall not only beare his own -iniquity, but the iniquity ofhis father (hall redound to him, for he makes his fathers finhis own by imitation,as much as hisown is his by commiffion. ( Mat. z3. 32. Chrift faith to the pews, Fillyup the meafure ofyourfathers. Theirfathers hadPlain the Prophets, and though themfelves adorned their Sepulchers, profefling( verf. 3o. )Ifwe had lived in the days ofour fathers, we wouldnot havebeenpartakers with them in the blood of the Prophets, yet Chrift tells them plainly ( Look I I. q 8.) Te bear witnef fe thatyeallow thedeeds ofyourfathers, becaufe hePaw in them not only a fpirit, but the prattife ofperfecution againf# the livingSaints, while they feemed thus compaffionate toward: the dead Saints ('tiscommon for the worft ofmen to pretend love andhonour to good men when they are dead, ( the dead bite not) who cannot abide goodneffe, nor any good man while he liveth,but perfecute him to the death,nowI fay,Chriff feeing this in the Pharifees) gave them up to the fulfilling of their lufts. And becaufe they were refolved to doe that which the righteoufnefleofGod had fórbidden,he in wrath bids them doe it. Fill up the meafure ofyour fathers. As if he had faid ; Tourfathers flared"op muchwrathy killing the Prophets,but tke meafure is notyetfull ; do yefill it, for Iperceive ye will, bykil- ling himwho isgreater then theProphets. Theyflew thefervants, ye will flay the heir. Children fill themeafure of their fathers in fin, and thenGod fills themeafureofthe children in punifh- ment.So Chrift inferres in that place ofLuke(I I.Sv.) That the blood fall the Prophets which was fhed from the foundation of the world, may be required ofthis generation, from the blood of Abel unto thebloodofZacharias, which perifhed between the Al- tar and the Temple.Verily Ifay untoyou, it fhall be required of this generation. Theblood offormer generationshad not been required ofthat, ifthey had not been asbloudy as the former generations ; But where old fins are continued and approved bybeing newly afted1 there the old fins as well as the neware juftly puAhed, A a s a l Thus 729