Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2r. An Expofition upon the Bookkof J o a. Verf. 19. 73 the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generati- medra ova., on : This ( faith he ) God fpake in reference to the hardneffe rat, ut ve! go- oftheir hearts, that if noother argumentwould move them to `ty rrtatr3'4s fueo keep clone to the rule of the Law, to take heed of Idolatry, g ° c,v,,17 and falfe worfhip, yet meere compafìion to their own children dirent, Tertul: might doe it. All parents havea naturali love to their children, adverfus tiara So that they who havenot a fpiritual principle moving them cap. to forbeare thofe fins, becaufe they love God, and delight in his Law, may yet be moved by a principle ofnasurall love, to avoyde chore fins for which ( by name) God cells them, he will furelyaffliéf and punifh their children. He lajeth tophit ini- quityfor his children. Lathy, yob is here defcribing the punifhment of s wicked men ; inconfirmation whereof he fubjoynes that God lajeth :up his iniquityfor hos children. Hence note ; That The evills whichfallupon children, °are thepytnif6merts 'of their parents. Yea in this their parents punifhment iscompleated ; for as et/n rm a the fin which began in theparents, is perfe&ed by their. chit °p1f? arrir, fta- dren,fo the punifhmentwhich began in the parents,isperfected rim any; cafe. in their children. There is not only a nearneffe and firic`fneffe Fiumeft a gig- ofrelation, between parents and children,but a kinde of fame- ne"te drfcedir. neffe The childe is not like an peiceofworke made Nam ex t1la,norr , P a5 i4o faffum by the parent, but he is madeout hisparent, and fo is apart eft. are ofhim, or himfelfemultiplyed into another individual) ; And ber rainet t'iismutt needs makea community, between them in their good °ñtyfe'n illi and evill, in their joyes and forrows, in their fu firings and en- qra convenien- joyments. This poynt bath been further fpoken_to9 Gbap. o. ter dv h°nore cr verf. ao. and therefore I=delft. psn = =citur r. arcr,, He rewardeth him, andhethall know it. 't=`? ; The word li nifies the paying ofa debt; and properly e to be re2 lerep erun g g , y aue equivQ!e at peace; The reafon is, becaufe when debts arepaid, aman is rol deóiia ad at quiet, no more can be demanded. Acid there is a twofold °+i ?renr;am paying; eycher in kind, or in that which isequivalent, that is, veil] zItin of the fame worth, though of another matter; which diffe. gäá efu Aa_ ence is more plainlycxgreffed by two differe,,t ;words in the alit),dc;ere A a a a a- z, He- f , jicar.