Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

732 Chap. 21. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 19, Hebrew. The word here ufed doth not fiddly imply a paying back in ( fpecie, or) in the fame thing, as put cafe a man bor.. row money, to pay money, but any returne to the fame worth and value, He rewardeth or payeth` him. Now in what coyti or matter doth the Lord repay him ? or with what is he re- warded ? The text is filent about that, but we may eafily con- ceive what it is. There are two forts of rewards, Firft, re- wards ofpunifhment . Secondly, rewards of favour. The re- wards ofpunifhment are deferved, the rewards of favour are promifed. When'cis Paid, Melball reward bim; we 'are not to underhand it ofthe reward of favour, but ofpuniíhment, fuch a reward as a wicked mandeferves he Than have. And whereas the particular matter ofthe reward is not expre1, this imports the grearneffe ofit; when the Lord doth not tell us what the punifltment is, he intimates it fuch a puni(üment as can fcarcely be told what it is. He rewardeth him. This concealment fpeaks much in the aggravation ofit. Conceive the worft you can,that. ¡hall be the wicked mans reward. Hence obferve ;. ei111 the evils thatfall upona wickedman are deferved. They are rewards, the rewards ofpunifhments are deferved; The rewards ofpuni(hment may be corfidered, either in refe- rence to this life, or the life tocome. The rewards of punifb- ment in this life, are all deferved, yetthey are leffe then fin de- ferves. Take the greateff punifhment that befalls any wicked man on this fade hell, it is leffe then his fin deferves. Ezra con- cludes thus ofall the calamities with which the JewifhNation was rewarded ( Chap. 9. 13.) Afterall that is come upon usfor our evil deeds,andfor ourgreat trefpafes,feeing thatthouour god haft punijhed tte lets then-cur iniquities deferve,e°'c. And yetlheirs was no little punilhrnent;For the prophet ?eremie(Lam.1.12.) perforating 7erufalem,calleth all to behold and fee,ifthere were anyforrow like unto herforrew,which was done unto ber wherewith the Lordaffli1edber in the day ofhis ,h'erce anger. As if he had' &'aid; You cannot make a parallel ofthe forrowes and fufferings ofthis people, with the fufferings ofany people that ever were in the world . So then, theirs was not fmall punifhment and yet he faith,Thau haftpreniiked tas lets then our iniquities defrveo Let