Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Lxpofstion upon the Rookof Jos. Verf. 19. 733 Let punifbment goe as high as it can in this life, it is leffe and lower then iniquity. But, in the life to comeGod bath areward for iniquitie, fu- table to it Sinners (hall then receive as much as theydeferve and becaufe they cannot bear fo much as they deferve at once, therefore they thall be for ever bearing ir. Their reward (hall beno more, nor at all leffe then findeferves. God will not put fo much as the leaft dramof forrow into their ballance more then iniquity.hath put into it, and of that he will abate them nothing. He rewardeth him. and he all knowit. There is a twofold knowledge ; firft, by teaching and in Bru&ion ; fecondly, by fence, or experience. The latter is here Experien is meant, he [ball have an experimental! knowledge. But what Maos ra d i rat (hall he know ? He(mail knowor be convinced of thefe two. puniri. Dail; things, which he would not learn before. Fill, that there is a wife andapowerful! providenceof God, overruliug, order- ing, and difpofing all the affaires and motions of this life.. Secondly, that God hath decreed and appoynted wrath, for the portionof all impenitent fanners ; He¡hall know theft things, to hit colt. Hence note ; firft, Wicked men will not know the evill offin till theyfeel it. The,wicked might know this by in[truaion, they have been told as much againe and againe, but they wouldnot believe ir. Paul faith (2 (or. 5. t i. ) Knowing therefore the terrour ofthe Lord we perfwade men, How did he know it ? Paulknew that . terrour of the Lord, not by experience ( for he fpake of the . terror ofthe great day,which day wasnot thencorne ( but he. had received inftruétion about it and he believed it would be a black day to many. A godly magi knows the terrour of the, Lord by the teachings of the Spitit in the word. But a carnali manwill not know the terrour of the Lords judgment, till he =be furnmoned to judgement. When the. Prophets in the name of theLord threatned the ?ewes with a day ofevill, 'cis ufually added, then they{hall know that I am theLord.As ifthe Lord had faid . They have been told this often and oftkeen,..