Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

734 ..e.-.. Chap. 2r. An .Expofation upon the Boob of J L Verforo: they havehad lineupon line, and threat upon threat, yetthey would not know it, but they (hall know it, I will teach it them another way ; Seeing they will not believe the judgment which is bath fpoken and written in my booke, I will write my judgments upon their own backs, and 'with their own blood ; I will writethem in red letters; that he who runs may read : and then they¡hall know that Iam the Lord. So Tfal,83. I 8 )David calls down the wrathofGodupon publick enemies; Let them be confounded, and troubledfor ever, yea, put to fhame, andperi¡h (why?) That men may know that thouwhole name alone is yehovah, art mofi high over all theearth. Carnal! men will not know the foveraingtyof God, or they are afhamed to acknowledge it, till they fee fuck as tkemfelves utterly confoun- ded and put to íhaine; They never exalt God, till they fee men raftdown. There is a Tranflation ofthat Text (Ifa. 28., 19. ) which adds much clearneffe to the obfervation in hand; From the time that itgoeth forth it ¡hall takeyou.: for morning by morning ¡hall it pare over, byday, andby night, it i all be a vexationonly to underftand the report. Some evills are fo great that the hearing ofthem is vexation enough, it is a vexation onely to underftand the report. Theblow, the wound, which they give the care, goes to the heart, and is a paine to thefpi.. rit Others render the prophet thus; It ¡ballgot forth, it¡hall takeyou morning by morning, it ¡hall paleover by day and by right ; That is continually, it (ball make haft judgment being feat on this journey (hail never bait or reitby the way, it ¡hall Tae:Mr:Ma travel night andday.But why is all this?The next words anfwer; fora vexatio d.- 4.1 only vexation will caulyou to underftand, or,giveyou an bit inteiefhm underflandingofthefe things,or doflrines (fowe put in the mar- 4NditUt. Valg . gine, when he ¡hall make you underftanddetlrine) What (hall make them underftanddoctrine ? only vexation,God will com- mandan overflowing fcourgeto cone, it (hall come bynight, and by day ; for he fees that vexation will make you under (land doctrine, and that you will know the Lord in his judge- ments, who would not knowhim in his commandements. This is a good fence of the place, and comes clearly to the truth in hand. Vexation gives underftanding of doetrine, Many mutt be taught as Gideon taught the menof Succoth, with b). ant 4nd thornes ( ¡o.) A word and a blow, teaching and