Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2t. An Expoftion «pan the Book, of J o B. Verf. 20 735 andLiking mull goe together, and they whowill not learne by words, (hall be taught by blowes. Let (inners confider which is the eafieft way of attainingknowledge, or in which of thele two wayes they may attaine knowledge with greateft cafe. The Lord would teach us by his word, let us take heed we put himnot toblowes; he would doe it by inftruftion, let us take heed we put him not to doe it by correftion,yea by de- ftru&ion. God will be known by ail the world, the heathens íhall know at Taft that he is the mo(ì high over all the earth. He rewardeth them and they [hall !know it. Verf. 20. His eyes fhall fee his deftruffion, and he'hall drink ofthe wrath ofthe e.41mighty. His eyes (hallfee his defirrsc`fion] Were it not enough to fay he (hall fee his deftrudion, but his eyesJhallfee it ? or how can he fee without his eves ? To fay a man fees, implyeth that he fees with his eyes. The Hebraifine is ufuaíl inScripture language: tomake the fence more full ; as to fay, he hears with hisears, fo, hefees with his eyes, is, he fully and plainly heares and fees, What (hallhe fee ? Heíl:a11 feo his defraEfion, bis death, fay fome ; his rosine, fay others ; we may fay, his dommage, hia breaking, Deftruftion is, andbath all thefe avilis in it. His eyes (tall fee his deft rssEElion. Note this from it that Thefight ofevil1is a griefe to to ao well as thefeeling of it a Paine. Dup!ex rorsner." yob had fpoken much before of the mifery of the wicked tum e¡i ,outeri man ; Now he adds, His eyes ¡hallfee hisdeftrtaflion.The fight Pino :MOO fn of deftru&ion doubles the torment of Sorrow comes in at f .cos. every fence as well as joy ; joy comes in at the Bare, fo doth forrow, joy comes in at tc e eye, fo doth furrow. Asthegood which is unfeen affects little, fo the evili which is unfeen afilic` s little in comparifon of that we fee. And hence ufually in great fiafferings, efpecially the fufferings ofdeath, men c,ver their eyes, as being better able to endure death, then tobehold the preparations to or manner of it. The Apoille ufeth an ex preßïon, which (in the letter efit) carries this poynt clearly. ,fey, If, 5. BJ faith,t3enach was tranllated that befbosildnot fee 3fe,tt