Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

736 Chap. 2r. An Expofition upon the Book of J o s, Verf.20, death; As if the greatneffe of the favour,lay not fo much in h!s not dying, as in his not Peeing of death, or as if that which .. troubles more then death is the fight ofdeath. For though I : ;conceive the feein ofdeath in lace g ( p ) is not ftrietly tied to-that,fence, but onefence is put for another, and fo we may expound Enoch! not fetingofdeath, by not feeling it, or bynot coming to any neerneffe, or at all under the power and into the poffeffion ofit ; yet 'cis a truth, the terrour of death r isextreamly aggravated, when to our feelingofit, our fight of it is fuperadded : whether it be our own deftru&ion, ,or the deftruetion of thofe we love, our forrow is much abated when our eye feeth it not. That's compleat deftruc`ti -, on, which is not only felt but feen. Salvation and Glory beleeved, take much upon the heart, but what will the fight of thefe things be ? old Simeon defired no more, when he hadat. 'mined but the fight ofChrift, whom he had longbelieved and embraced by faith, ( Luk. 2.29. 3o. ) Lordnow letteft thou thy fervant depart inpeace,for mine eyes have feen thy Salvation. Andwhile the Apoftle Peter affirms that the Saints then living, did love and rejoyce in Chrift unfeen(r Pet.1.8. Whom having not feenye love, in whom though nowyefee him net,ye rejoyce) he therein intimates that Saints (ball love & rejoyce in him much more when once they fee him. To fee good hath fo much of joy in it, that the joyes of heaven are called, fight or vifion. Now as the fight ofgood is to joy, fo the fight of evil) is to forrow, the advance and heighrningof it. Hiseyes ¡bailfee his defireFlion.. eAndhe /balldrinkeof thë wruthqf the e4ïmighty. t i excan- To drinks notes the taking in of quantity, he 'ball drinke is, d¢fcentia a be (hallbe filled with the wrathofthe-e,flmighty. The word ß=i11 inca fignifieth heat ofwrath, or fuchwrath as,hath much hear in ir. íríí, quando Wecommonly fay when we fee anyone very angry, 7'he roan JClìlcet, tangurs is in ahate. Wrath heates the heart; As the holyGhoft fpeaks incaaefci! c.r oftheavenger (Dent. 19. 6.) Leff he pa rfase the flayer while ca coy; his heart is hot ; that is, in the bight ofhis angers God will pur fue thewicked manwhile his heart is hot. He lball drinke not only the wrath, but the heatedfcalding hot wrath.