Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Expofition upon the Ifook of J o a. Vert. 21. 737 Ofthe Almighty. Shaddai, who is able tomake good his word in the faddeft effects of it. In the former verfe the fence of teeing was afi- ted, Hia eyes (hallfee hie deftruïlion : here the fenceoftailing drink affeets the tail. Andhe that drinks wrath bath not only !toreofit, but all that he bath, he bath it in him. Wrath is to fome as thecloaths upon their back, 'cis to othersas meate or drink in their bowells. Again, this drinking wrath may be confidered two wayes, Firft, That pure wrath orwrath alone than be put into thecup ofa wicked man ; or fecondly, that whatfoeverhe drinkes, or howpleafant foever his cup is, yet wrath (hall be mingled with it. He final drinkofthe wrath of the Almighty. Hence obferve ; firft, God hash abundance ofwrathfor wicked men, Hewill make them drink it ; he bath not only drops, but wholecups flagons full, and wholeveffells full ofwrath, yea he bathnot only flagons andveffels, but rivers full,evena fee full ofwrath. As there is a fea ofmercy, fo there is a fea of wrath in God. Theone as well as the other bathneither bank nor bottome. The wrath ofGod aswell as the love ofGod is infinite. Wicked men (hall drink, and have enough of it. What can by more fadlyof theRateofaWicked man then this that he fhall drink wrath, As drinking the loveand fa- your ofGod in Scriprure thews the happineffe ofthe Saints in their fulieft and freelt enjoyments ofhim ; fo the drinkingof wrath,íhews the mifery ofthe wicked under the higheft & ful- lefttokens ofhis difpleature.He brought me(faith the Church) into the wine cellar,or,houft of wine,ftay me withflaggonr((an, 2.4,5)with what ?ßagons,what, with empty flagon. ?no,emp_ tie flagons will not flay the Church,though they be flagons of gold : Theymull be full flagons ; but ofwhat ? of the love, mercie,and kindneffe ofJefus Chrifl.Thefe are thewine ofhis cellar, Stayme withflagons of love,faith the Church) you can- not flay and bear me up, unleffe you give me thefe flagons. Nowas the Lord bath thefe cellars and flagons ofwine,that is, ofjoyand favour for his people,fo he hath flagons andcellars ofwrath for finncrs. This drinking ofwrath is expreffed in 13bbb b Scrip-