Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

73gChap. 21. ,417 -,Exp f tion upon the Book. of J o B. Verf.2o. Scripture not only in reference to part and prefent, but future evils,(:ja.5a.17.)Thepaftaf i&ions ofyerufalem are elegant- ly fhadowed under thisnotion ; e (wake, awake, and[tandup 0 7erufalem whichbathdruukat the hand of the Lord the cupof hisfury,thou hat drunken the dregs of the cup offury,andwrung therm cut. There is none to guide her amongall thefuns whomfhe hath brought forth, neither is there any that taketh her by the He (peaks to 7erufalem as made drunk with the cup of trem- bling ; A little draught, or the drinking of a little, doth not caule drunkennefs ; 7erufafem drunk wrath to drunkennefs,fhe drank deep. Nowwhen a man is drunk (though it be a fhame toown fuch, yet) force friend or other will lead and guide him home, when he cannot guidehim1elfe. But j erufatem was drunk with the cup of the Lords wrath, and therewas not a man to guide her among all the fons whom (he had brought forth, neither was thereany to take her by the hand. 7erufa- lemcould not land alone, the was fo drunk with the wrath of God, and there was none to takeher by the hand to lead her, that is, thehad neither King, Priefl, nor Prophet, to comfort and fupport her in het afHi &ion, or to counfel and dire her what courfe to take that themight bedelivered out of it. And thus the Prophet ?erenie lets forth the future calamitiesofthe Nations round about.(7er.25.15.)Take the wine cupof thisfu- ry at my hand, and caufe all the Nations to whom Ifend thee to drinkit;and they[hali drinkaftd be moved,and be mad,becaufe of the/word that Iwillfend among them.What was the wine cup ? or the wine in the cup. It was a cup of blood : Iwill fend a /word and they /balldrink The wine which the (word makes is not the bloud ofgrapes,but the b!oo.dofour veins.And though the (word draw not a dropofblood from us, yet it fills many cups of farrow for us to drink. All who partake with7labylon inher fin, and receive her mark, [hall drinkofthe wine ofthe wrath of god that is poured out without mixture in the cupof his indign:.tion,(Rev. 14. Io.)And as the punning of thofe who fecretly or openly yeeld obedience toBabylon, is expreffed by drinking the wine ofGods indignation ; fo their communion with Babylon is expreffed by drinking the wine ofher formica> E.M. For as old literal Babylon ( ?erem. 5. 7.)was agolden cup in the Lords hand,which made all theearth drunken.The nations