Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Expofttion upon the Book of Jo B. Verf. 20 739 have drunken of her wine(faith the Prophet)therefore the Nati- ona are mad. How did Babylon make the Nations drunken?Be- caufe the Babylonifh Empire was an inftrument which God ufed toexecute his judgments upon others, and to caufe them to drink deep of the wine ofhis wrath. So myfticall Babylon bath a golden cup in her hand, and the makes the Nations drunk with the wineofher fpirituall fornication, that is,ofhex Idolatry, errour, and fuperftition. Now theNations having made themfelves drunk with this fnfull wine ofBabylon, (hall be madedrunk with the wrathfull' wine of God, The fuffert ings of Jefus Chrift, who tatted and took down all thofe evilis which the fin ofman deferved, are expreft by a cup, ( Mat. 26. 49. )Father if it be poble,let this cup paffe. He faw what was in the cup, and prayed thrice to be excufed the drinking of it, or that it might paffe away, yet with fubmiffion to his Fathers will, Not my will, but thy will be done. Chrift took up anddrunk the fufferingcup, that we might take up and drink thecup of falvation. Our fins and forrows were the portion ofChrifts cup, that the favour and loveofGod might be the portionofour cup. The Lord ( that is, the favour of the Lord faith holyDavid,Pfal. 16. 5.) is the portion ofmine iahe ritance, and ofmy cup.My drink is the Lords love, his favour is mingled with my drink; Divine goodneffe fweetneth, and fpicethmy cup ; The Lord is the portion ofmy cup. And hence the fame David cryethout (Tfal. 36. 7, 8.) How excellent is thy loving kindnes,0 god,therefore the childrenofmen put their Craft under the fhadowof thy wings. They fhall he abundantly fatisfied with thefatneffe of thy houfe ; thou /halt make them to drinkof the riversof thypleafures.Saints drinkatrivers,and not only at plea'ant rivers, but at rivers of pleafure : they fhall have thatwhich is fweet, and enough of it. Thus as the Lord gives his own people, cupsand rivers, abundance ofpleafures, fo his enemies flail drink cups and rivers(that is abaundance,) ofwrath. Secondly, Obferve There is no avoyding ofthe wrath ofGod. He(hall drinkof the/wrath ofthe Almighty.How few,indeed none,,woald drinkof this cup if theymight be fpared. Who Bbbbbz thiefts