Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

740 Chap. 2r. An .Expofstion upon the Boo1Z, of J o B. Verf.2I, thirfts for a cup ofwrath?who would fo much as tart or touch it with his lips?But the wicked fhall ; tho they have no mind to it, they muff though it be naufeous, and their ftomack turn at the fight of it, yet they muff drink it. They cannot be ex- cufed or difpenced with. This cup muff goe round them all. As drunkards fay to their companions, you (hall drink, you muff pledge us, we will power it down your throat elfe : So theLord faith to his enemies, you (hall drink, I will powre it down your throat elfe. IfJefus Chrift when he flood in the place of finners could not be fpared, (hall any who ffand in their ownplace as finners, prtfume to be fpared? What can they plead beforeGod toexcufe themfelves, when Chrift him. (elfe was not excufed when he prayed fo earneftly that he might. Every foul that bath noppart in Chrift, who drank the cupofhis Fathers wrath, (hall himfelfe and for himfelfe drink a cupofwrath. Noteagaine; AN the.evills that befall wickedmen,proceedfrom, or are if -: fuesof the wrath of god. This was noted before upon thofe wordsofthe i7th veri.. He difiributethforrows in hie anger therefore I only name it hers. Verf.V.For what pleafure hatb he in his hassle after him; when the number oflots months is cut offin the midd'f? There is fome "difficulty in fitting thefe words to the former. There are three interpretations given. Firft, The words are interpreted as a reafon why God fends out judgment both againft a wicked man and his family, why he and his (hall drink the wrathofthe Almighty ; why is all this ? 'Tis, becaufe god loath no pleafure in hishossfe after him ; be, that is,godcares not what becomes ofthis man, or of his children : what pleafure, what delight hath God in him or his ? they are.( as it were) out of the care ofGod,being out ofhis Covenant, and therefore let what will come ofthem, let him and his finke or iwim, let all goe at fix and fevens, God regards it not, This carries a truth in it ; As all they who are in a (fate ofmercy and falvation take pleafure in God ; (e.