Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Vert 21. 741 fo they and theirs (hall furelyperifh, in whomGod taketh no pleafure:yet I conceive this expofition improper to this place ; which rather defcribes the (fate and fpirit of a wicked man when he dyeth towards hishoule, then the heart of God to- wards him and bis houle while they live. Secondly, The words are expounded as holding out an ar- gument, that a wicked man (fo living and crying) (hall be punifhed everlaftingly. What do you tell him that God will lay up iniquitie for his children ? If himfelfe may efcape the forme and live all his dayes in pleafure, what cares he ; For what pleafureor painbath he inhis houle after him ? ( there is the tame reafon of both) Ir his houle profper, what plea - fure bath he in it, or ifhis houle perifh, what is that to him when he is not ? Therefore unleffe there remains an eftate of mifery for himfelfe in perfon after this life, the miferies threatned his pofferity when he dyes will work little on him. Thirdly, and rather thefe words give an account why God not only layeth up iniquity for the children of the wicked man, hut doth allo perfonally afflift him in this life, mating his own eyes to fee his deftruetion, and himfelfeto drinke the wrath of him the Almighty. And this account, or the reafon ofthis maybe twofold. Firft, becaufe (aswas !aft laid) his childeens of li&ions cannot reach him when he is gone : For what pleafure halobe in hit Jouleafter him ?That is,no pleafure. And as his joy, fo his forrow, as his comforts fo his troubles end in reference to all worldly things, whether they concern his family, or himfelfe at the grave. A dead man isnot in a ca- pacity to be affe&edor afïllieted with what is done or fuffered in the world, as was (hewed, Chap.14. Z I. Secondly, becaufe wicked mendo not ufnally trouble themfelves about the next age,if they canbut rub out their own time,let them that come after (hilt for themfelves. They do not Rudy how to procure the goodofpofterity, nor doe they lay to heart the evills which threaten them ; as no evill threatened their own per- fons, fo much te(fe that which is threatned upon theirchildren doth preffe their fpirits. Many profeffed wicked men, yea fome who goe under the name of Chriftians, and make tome outward profeffion of the Gofpe! ; are yetofthe fame temper with