Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

742 Chap; 21. An Expofrtion upon the Boßkof J o a. Verf. zg; with that Heathen Emperour,whohaving made havock ofall, s' tug 30tv6v7c4 and ffirrd fuch trouble in his dayes, that it might be thought î'r ra F`txs»- the world would endwith him,yet he pleafed himfelf with this Tee d Ttet"1i apprehenfion,that he fhould then be out of the danger,ween I dye,let heaven and earth mingle:ifthe world holdmy time, let it breakwhen l auogone,Such bafeneffe and narrrowneffe is in the hearts offame men, that they care not what the next age in- herìts.IfGod doe not trouble themwhile they live, theywill not trouble themfelves with what (hail befall their families when they are dead.Thus a learnedTranflater renders,what ù hisLudy or care about his houfe after him. ..uodnam e¡f ftudium ¡Mal de feuntlia fua poft fe, i. e. ut Deus ipfumvi. ventem non ex. citat males, fic non excitat sp- fu;n ani eus ejus when the number ofhis months /hall be cut off in the middeft. serfrt folicitus de rebus fa>nitia That is, when he fluff dye : The words are a periphrafisof J144 eventuris :death ; which we may fignificantly enough call,Thecuttingof poi mortem. the number ofour months. And as in general!'ris a defcription Jun. ofdeath, fo we may take it more fpecially as a defcriptionof Mortis pde u i }hrafrú i di earl death. An immature death is molt properly,The cuttin g art vitam,annos ff thenumber ofour monetbs in the middet. Thus the Pfalmift dies,idemOf prayed. Takeme not away in the middeft ofmy days,(P/al.502. quod refcindi fe 24 )And another Pfalm faith ;Thewicked !hall not live out half cari,divsdr. theirdayes, that is, the number of their moneths fhail be cut off in the middeft. Yet here I rather conceive it intended as a defcriptionofdeath in general/, whatpleafure kath be inbis hoafe, when the number ofhis months are cut fffin the middeft ? That is, when he dyes. Hence note, I vhen a wicked mandyes he thinks all dyeswith him,hebath no carebeyondhimfelfe. Nor is it anywonder that fuch take littlecare of others for hereafter, feeing indeed they take no care what fhall be for themfelves hereafter, if they may but have things prefent to ferve their lulls and fatisfie their delires in this world they will (as the laying offorce ofthem is,though they do nothing leffe) truft God for the next. In refpe& ofTemporalis Chritt gives this counfel (Matth.6. 3 4.) Take no thought for themar. row, for the morrow(hall take thoughtfor the things ofit[elfe That is, tomorrow,,or the time to come will bring p#lóughts erowd