Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. An Expólition pon the Boo o O B. er . Zt, 743 enow uponyouwhen it comes ; ye need not foreftall it, or take up the thoughts and cares ofit beforehand:or to morrow will bring meat in it's mouth, as it calls to newexpence, fo it will offer new provifion, donot trouble your felves what fhall be next ; fufficient unto the day is the evil) thereof, and tufiì- cient unto the day wil be the good thereof,youThal havedayly bread. This counlell of Chrift is farre from the wicked ; They take overmuch and overmany thoughts for to morrow in ref- pe& of Temporats ; but they take no thought for to morrow in refpe& ofeternals; or ifthey doe 'cis about eter- nals of their own imagination, not of Gods inftitution. Some wicked men are muchupon that thought, or, their in- txardtboughtr are that their hooferfhal continuefir ever,and thr* their lands after their on name (Ffal. 49. i i.)they hope for a fuccefiion in their rime for ever, this is their proje &,and the higheft pitch of their expe&ation. They would Teem to have much pleafure in their houle after them, and todelre nothing more then the advancement of their children, yet their cour- fes proclaim to all good men, that as when they are dead they can take no pleafure, nor feele any pain in reference to their houle, or thole that are left behind them ( which I take tobe the molt proper (cope of this Text) fo, that, while they live, they have no du regard to their children,nor any pleafure in their houle to provide for the real profperity of it, when the number oftheir own months fhall be cut off in themiddelt, Wicked men are either altogether careleffe of the good of their houfeafter them, or all the care they take is an evil! to their houle. Further, From this circumlocution ofdeath. Obferve ; Firft, .Klan bath hit moneths appointed or numbred out to bim. Though the molt that any man can have are fcarcea number; yet tvhatfoever any man bath, or (hall have, are exa&ly num., bred. Our times are in Gods hand as in regard of the iffues and events ofthem, fo alto in regard of the length or conti- nuanceof them : God teachethman the fpirituall number of his dayes, or the art of numbering his dayes fpiriesielly, but he himfelfc r