Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

744 Chap. ir. An Expofition upon the Boo, of j o a. Vers, himfelfhash nu.Tbred them ( and that number he referves to himfellt) Arithmetically Secondly, Obferve; Death if the cutting r f flour moneths. Themoneths aftually paff, are cut off from the moneths which pofhbly were to come.Take the meaningofit yet more fully in the next poynt. Thirdly, Observe ; godoftenJliortenf the liver of wickedmen,andcuts the nuste- ber of their monethrof'in the middeft. Though everyman, even the vileft and molt wicked man that ever lived in the world lives out thefull number of thofe moneths which the counsels ofGod bath appointedhimper- fonally, yet many wicked ( and Tome good) men are cut off in the middeft oftholemoneths which God hath appointedto mankind generally. Thedayes ofthe yeares generally ap- poynted to mankind are threefcoreyears and ten(mfal. 90. 19 yet halle mankind doch not live out halle thenumber ofthese yeares : fome have the number of these yeares ormoneths cut offin mercy, very many have them cut offin wrath and judg- ment ; God takes fome away from the evils which is to come and God takes others away becaufe of the evil( which they have already done, or leaft they shoulddoe more evils. Thefe obfervations have occurred in other parts ofthis booke, efpe- cially in the fourteenth Chapter, and therefore I onely menti- on them here, referring back the Reader to a large dicuffion of them in thofe places. J $9