Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2x. eiln E'kpofitáors Upon the Rooks! J O Z. Yerf. 22. 745 Jos, Chap. 2 I. Verf. '22, &c. Shall any teach God k¿,nomledge, Peeing hejudgeth thofc that arehigh ? &c . J0 B having given his experienc e s of the dealin g ofGod with wicked men : now gives his approbation of it. He chalengeth all the wi fdo m ofthe world to di reda more convenient courfe or method, then the divine wifdome pros. ce eds in for the difpofall both of things and perlonshere be. low. Shall any teach God knowledge ? The queflion is anega- tion : yea the queltion is full of indignation when he faith, Shaltany teach God knowledge? He means that none ca n,and whenhe faith, /hallany teach cd knowledge ? his meaning is that 'cis highest prefumption for any to think he can. Shall any teach Godknowledge ? The words are a Cher the conclufionof was before f'¡nr,a Y in m&eeinreo po /ti difputed, or they are as a Preface to that which followes , ju,ur: vim ad force rake them refpe∈ as well the difcourfe that comes orramq; parrem next, as that which went before. exerit rain adea Jewiíh Writers read the words thus;/hal any teach knowledge 4us, adea yu for God?As if7ob'.r meaning were this;Dotir God needany to iertaurrrur dedt. apologize for him, or to take his part ? needs he an advocate 'Ulna prcvidea' to plead his caufe, and toafiift him in the juftification ofh is tta. Bold. owne way, in giving out e5 ther good or evill ? Shall any teach t1,`7 pro deo knowledgefor God ?and fet out more plainly and clearly than ruin he bath done, why fore good men mourne all their dayes, F rei atio- and in the end of their dayes dye mourning ; why fame wick- nem pro loo edmen ltourifh all their dayes, and in the end of their dayes redden porefl. dye flourifning. Can any unriddle thefe difpenlations, and R b sr! ° render a more fatisfying anfwee about them ? Bur I rat-her conceive the words according to our reading, not as a forbidding ofthat office, that any fhoold undertake to plead for, or vindicate the justice and righteoufnes ofGod in what he bathdone, but as a reproofe of mans prefumption indiretling God what to do.Shall any teach God knowledge ? As if ¡ob had Laid, doth god needany tatenr,or wafter? to teach G e c c c lostss