Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

746 Chap. 21. alla Expofttioss upon the Bookof J o s. Verf. 22 him his lrffn ? needeth he any to poynt him how to order the af- fair,-, ofr he world, trhat to doe to the wicked, and what to the gody ?fu rely he needs none to teach, nor to inflrutl him. So the words are a raproofupon yebes friends, whom he perftringeth as over daring about and intruding into thofe things which were ab ove them. Thefe. words, Shallany teach God knowledge ? imply fours things, which I lhall draw forth into fo many obfervations9 and profecute them in order as they rife. Firft,Take the queftion,Shallany man teachGod knowledge? as a downe. right negation, and then it gives us this inftrta, dion.. God cannot be taught. Some men are fofoolifh that they cannotbe taught, they are not capable ; fuch a one (we fay ) is not capable to be a Scholler, he is of fuch weak parts, of fo fhailow an under- 1anding, that he cannot be taught. But God is fo wife that he cannot be taught,he is indefinitly beyond the School.(I,!st,4O. 23, 14.)6ä'190 bath direHed the Spirit ofthe Lord, or being bin Caunfellor hash taught him ? Thewifeft Kings and States of the earth have their Counfel Tables,and'cis but needful' they lhould. In the multitude ofConnfelers there isfafety (laid the wifelf ofKings) manyeyes fee more then one. But God who is onely wife aid all eye feeth more then many or then all the fons ofmen. Who loath beenhis Counfeflour ? (bring forth the man, bring forth the Angel with whomGod took counfel ) who in(trolled him,and taught biro in the paths of judgement, taught bim knowledge,and fhewedhim the way of underffan- ding ? This Prophet fpeaks fully to the fence of lob : and his Text mar be a Comment upon thisbefore us,and tell us what 'job means when he faith, Shall any teachGod knowledge ?He needs none tomake himunderftand, none todire& him the courfe ofJudgement; how to mannage his affaires with dif. cretion, or duely to put his purpofes and refolves in executi- on.The Apoltle Paul takes up the fame language(Rom. i t 4.)Who bath known the mind of the Lord, or who hatto been his Counfellor? O the depthofthe riches both ofbuwifdome and knowledge 1 how .unf archable are hisjudgements,and his ways pa