Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2t. awn e. pofitiox Kpon the Bookof. Jos. Verf. 22. 747 pall finding out ! For who ha th known the mind of the Lord ? Hach no man known the mind ofthe Lord ? yes, there is a minde of the Lord, which is known toman ; there is a revea- ledminde ofthe Lord, a minde of the Lord which he hash made known : but befides that revealed minde of the Lord, theLord bath a fecret minde (as we may call it) or a fecret will ; he bath a cabinet, and dole counfel lockt up in his own brea*, whichwas never opened tothe creature : Of that the Apoftle faith, Who bathknows the mind of the Lord?We know his minde, what he would have us doe ; what to beleeve,what the way to life & falvation is we know.He hath told us how we fhould honour him, and work out our falvation with fear and trembling. The Prophet reportsfume making that que ftion, Wherewithal''ball Icome before theLord,and bow myfelf before the mo.ff highGod ? (Mich. 6.6. They enquired, as if Godhad left them in the dark aboutthe wayofhis worfhip, and fervice. No, fayth the Prophet, (verf:'S. )Hebath/hew- ed thee O man,wbat úgood,and what theLord requiretk ofthee. Thus farre we know the mindeoftheLord, what he would haveus doe, but we doe not know the minde of the Lord what he himfelfe will do, that's a fecret; Who bath knows this mind ofthe Lord, or who bathbeen his Counceller. Thus again (t Cor. 2. i 6.)Wbo bath known themind of the Lord, that he may infirnEl him ? Butwe have the 'vitae ofChriff. Weknow theminde ofthe Lord for our own inftru&ion, but we know not the mind ofthe Lordfor his inftrudion,or that we might inftru& him. Whenman inftru&s man, he dochbut make his ownminde knówn to him , but whenGod inftru&s man, he not only makes his own mind known to himsbut knowethhis and fo alfo mutt that man who takes on him to inftruft God. Secondly, When it isfail, !ballany teach God knowledge ? it plainly teachethus;?hat God knoweth a!l tbings,or ;that be is infinitly err perfetily wife & knowing.He for whom teacher can be found,or he towhole treafure ofknowledge no know. ledg,not the leaft miteofknowledg can be added,muft needs be infinitly wife and knowing; for that is infinite to which no- thingcan be aded,e§ from omhichnothingcan be taken away,Now thus wife is God,thus knowing is God,hecannot admit more wifdome, therefore he is infinitly wife. God is the firft rule, Ccccr,2 the