Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

IiY 748 Chap. 2I. 4.4'n êxpofttion sloe the 73ookof J o t3. Verf. 22> the fupreame ruleof knowledge, and wifdome; yeahis know_ ledge and wifdome is himfelfe. The wifdom c t God is the wife God, and the knowledgeof God is the knowing God: fo that, asnothing can beadded to God himfelfe, fo,nothing can be added to the wifdome of God:for the wifdomeofGod. is God, therefore he is perfen in wifdome and in knowledge. lob's argument that Godneedeth no teaching, is a clear de- montirationof it. For among men,they that are pall teaching how wife are they ? howwife are they in their own thoughts (though indeed it be ignorance and foolifhneffe enough that they think fo) who thinke they are pall teaching,or too wife to be taught) There are Tome men that think they need no teaching,and thereare none who need more then they;ufually they are under adearth and fcarcitieofknowledge, who fup- pole they have fuch abundance, that they are beyond the íchool, beyond the Church, beyond teaching, and counfel, beyond helps & ordinances# lush as have thefe appreherfions of themfelvcs,do leaft apprehend themfelves.For as they who think theyneed not be better,draw a ¡Lift fufpition that they were never good : fo they who think they know enough,may be concluded to know nothing yet as they ought to know, When any fay they are fo rich in knowledge that they need know nomore,I may fay they tired at leall this peiceof know- Iedg,To know how poor they are in knowledge. But ifone had fo much knowledge indeed that no man could teach him further, he were abundantly knowing. Now thus it is with God, ¡hall Any man teachGod knowledge?they cannot; therefore his know_ ledge is infinite, and perfeet.And fo it is.Firft,about things ; he knowes all thiugs, what they are, and for what they ferve' what their nature is, and what their ufefulneffe is. Secondly' About perlons, He knoweth all men, and needeth not that any ,/hould teffifie ofman, for be knoweth what is in man(Yoh 2.24,. 5.)He knows every man fully,he knows him within &with- out. Heknows all our outward anions, yea the very inter. nail motions of the heart ; He knoweth not onely what men doe, but all their aymes and fecret intendmentts in doing Thirdly, This quegion, Shall any teachGod knowledge intimates, That Same