Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

YF^ Chap. 2x: Ax Bxpofation upon the Booi{of J o B. Verf. 22. 749 Some men, doe evenattempt, and take upon them the hold- liege to teach God. What need this chiding queftion elfe ? Why Mould lob fpeak thus to his friends, unleffe he had difcouered or at leaft fufpe&ed fach a fpirit in them ; that they had fpoken or done filch things as did amount to,or might be interpreted a teach- ing ofGod. Youwill fay, lately, no man ever attempted to teachGod, we indeed ar e taught of God, and that we (hall be fo is the promife of the covenant ofgrace, Heb.8But did ever any man goe about to teach God?He bath his chaire in heaven (as the ancient fpeaks)that teacheth the heart of man ; but where have they their chaire, and where is their School, who under-. take to teach theGod of heaven ? I anfwer, the teaching ofGod, may be confidered two wayes. Firft, Directly, and formally. Secondly, Implicitly, or by way ofinterpretar ion. 'Tis I grant exceeding rare that any rife to filch a bight of boldnes, as avowedly, direly, explicitly,and formally,to fay we can, or we will teach God: but there are many who fay as much implicitly, and by way ofinterpretation, that is they fpeak, hold or doe that which plainly implves a teaching of the Almightie, or a taki ng upon them to direct his counfels. For the jullifying of this charge, we may caft fuch into two forts. Ftrft, In reference to his word,famewould teach the Lord how to fpeak,. Secondly, In reference to his works, others would teach the Lord what to doe. For the former, there are thofe who would teach God how to fpeak, by adding to, and dimini(hing from the word which hepath fpoken. That there is fach a proud principle in the hears ofman, is plainly proved by thofe cautions given both in the Law and in the Gofpel. (Dent.4.2.)Te ¡hall not ad to the word which I commandyou,neitherfhall youdiminish ought from it, thatyoumay keep the commandements ofthe Lordyour Vol which I commandyou; &(Pro.3©.6¡)4dde thou not unto h s word, Ih' 91ìÍi'üÍ14'i' ,.1. . .