Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

75o ;Char. zi. Ao Expotitiou upon the Bookof J o S. Wert, 2,2 word left be reprove thee, and thoubefound a liar. Though we may adde a Comment to explaine the word ofGodwhere it is hard, yet we mutt not add e a fupplement to the'word of God, as ifit.were.defeetive. One of the fiat things to bebe- leevedunto falvation is, that the word of God is fufftcient,or contains all things needfull to falvation. The whole bookof God concludes thus ;(Rev. 22.18.) Ifany man(ballsidle un- to thefe things,GodJhall ad tohim the plagues that are written in this book. And ifany man fball take awayfrom the words of the bookoftbu prophecy, Cod/hall take away hispart out ofthe bookof lofe, and out ofthe holr City, and fromthe things which are written in this book. What fearfull additions and fubftra- caions will Godmake concerning thofe who adde to or tub- ftrad from his word.The Lord forefaw a fpirit in man tobe medling with his word,elf he had never made this Law againft medlers with it. Now as he that reads any mans work and takes upon him to a line,or to latha line out ofit, he un- dertakes to teach the Author knowledge,much.moredo they who adde or diminifhaline or word ofthe wordofGod.Yet manyfuch thereare whopra&ife upon the wordofGodboth by way ofaddition and fubftras Lion. Some have done this o- penly, and others clofely. Every carnal man doth this clole- ly ; for hethat would fet u p his lulls for a law, would furely blot out the law of God; he wouldmakethe commandments of God voyd, and refcind the ftatutes of heaven, who bath nomind to obey and fubmit unto them. The Papifis efpecially (betides Tome others) doe this open- ly. For they fay, fiat, the Scriptures are obfcure ; therefore they wouldteach God to (peak more clearly. Secondly, they fay, the Scriptures are infufficient without their patchments of tradition, therefore theywould teach God to fpeak more fully.Othershave complained that the languageof the Scrip.. ture is homely and bare, chele would teach God to fpeak more eloquently. Nay, fome have laid, there are contradi- úions in Scripture, thefe would teach God to fpeak more truly ; others complain., there are dangerousezpreflions in Scripture; and there would teach God to fp:akmore warily. And thefe take upon them to teach Godknowledg,about his word. Secondly,