Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. ZI: An Expofitiox upon the Boo& f o B. Verf. 22. 7 I Secondly, There is alfo a generation who would teach God knowledge about his works. They forbear not that firft eternal work ofGod, eleílion. We have their arguings fee down (Rom. 9. II, r 2. r4, 15.) For the childrenbeing not yet born, neither having don any good or evill, that the purprfe of God according to denim mighthand, not ofworks, ;but ofbins that calleth ; It wasPaid unto her, The elder ¡hall ferve the younger ; as it it written, 7acob have I loved, but Efate have I bated: Thebeamofman rifeth here is this workof God right ? 'IfG odproceed thus in his election ofmen, Is there nounrighteoufnef fewith god?Thewifdome and reafon ofman faith, Surely God fhould rather clodìapon forefeene works, or faith, or perfeverance inboth. But God faith otherwife What then ? Is there unrighteoufneffewith god ? God forbid for he faith to Motet, Iwill bavemercy on whom Iwill have mercy, and I will have compaffion on whom 1 will have compaf- fion. What do you tell me (faithGod) ofyour will, my will !hall be the rule ofele Lion ; rea, it is not ofhim that wilietb, nor ofhim that runneth, but ofroll that fheweth mercie. Thus the Apoftle afferts the abfolute elecón of God. But kill theheart ofman is onfatisfied; as the Apokle lheweth in the next words ; ThouwiltJay then unto me, why loth heyetfiìtde fault ?for whobath refitted his will ? Ifit be thus, may we not lay all the finofman at Gods door, and call dirt, at heaven: why dothGod complaine, if all be from his own will? Thus man would teach God knowledge ; Nay bterO man, who art -thou that replieft againft God ? Jhall the thingformedfay to kim thatformed ir, why haft thou made me thin? Shall theclay teach the potter how tomake ir, or in what form to call it ? Secondly , Others have found fault withGod, and would teach him knowledge about the workof Creaticm.The Natu- rali11 complained, that man was fent forthnaked' and helplefs into the world,that other creatures had the'advantage ofman having naturali armour and defences which man want!. Such would teachGod how to create. Thirdly, How often doe men takethe chair,and like great Doctors offer God knowledge about hit work of providence. Howmany are there who think themfelves wifer then God ; or that they could direct him abetter way for the Govern- ment of the world, then he is in. T.f they had the power, thi ngs