Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

752 Chap. zt. An Expolitionupon the Book of J o a. Vert. 22. things fhould be ina fairer [late then they are. They infinuate again(' the Government ofGod much like A6folom again(' his father Davids Government; O that Iwere judge in the Land you fhould fee what I would doe, what a world would I make ? I would (et all right. Such vain thoughts lodge in the fpirits ofvain men a bout the providencesofGod. And not onely theywho in this open manner contea with sod, but his providence _ but fuch alto may be charged as taking upon them to teachGod knowledg, who do but mur- mur through difcontent, and are unfatisfied with his doings. When a man is difpleafed with what another Both, he thinks he could doe it better. All they who are difpleafed with or murmur at what Goddoth, fay plainly in their hearts they could do things better thenGod,they could teach himknow- ledge. Fourthly, From 7ob',r queftion, as it carrieth not onelya Negation of the thing, but indignation at it. Obferve ; It is moil/nfull to goe about to teach god. The height ofpride, prefumlhion is in it (prefumption is the pinacle ofpride) therefore the height of fin is in it. As it is a Great condefcention in God to teach man knowledge, and to turne cutout to the poor creature;So it is higheft pre - fumption in man to teach Godknowledge, and to turne Tu- tour to his Creatour. And as anattempt to teach God in or about any thing is Tinfoil and prefumputous, fo efpecially (which the fubjeet here handled by lob leads us to) to teach him about his diflributions ofuewardsh and punifhments : and that in any ofthefe five particulars. Firlt, To teach Godwhom he (hall rewardor punifh. Secondly, To teach God when he (hall reward or punifh. Thirdly To teach God how or in what manner he (hall reward or panifa. 1 ourchly, To teach God the meafure, or how much he (hall rewardor pnnifh. Fifthly, To teach God the time, how longhe (hall re- ward or puru(h. There is an intruding upon the prerogative ofGod in all thele0