Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 21. e,./fn expofition upon the 73oakof j o s. Vert. 22, thefe. And the finfulneff'e of this increron may appear upon a fourfold confideration. Fielt, Becaufe it is au abating ofGod : and a heights ing ofman. This fees ignorance above knowledge, and folly abovewildome. This Pets the Diall above the Sun, yea dark. metre above the light. Man is not onely in the dark, in the darkneffeofignorance, but he is dark neffe. God bath not on- ly light in him, but be is light, and inhim is no darkneffe at all. Nowwhat an affront, what an indignitie is it for darkneffe to goe about to teach light? for ignorance to teach knowledge? for a foole to teach the oracle ofwifdome ? The greateft ora- cle, the wifeft amongmen is a foole toGod, whole very foo- litlinefs (as the Apottle (peaketh) is wirer then men. And are not men now, the wifett ofmen trim teachers ofGod-? Secondly, What knowledge or light foever any man bath, he receivesit fromGod, and (hall man teach Godwith his ownknowledge? Man bath no knowledge ofhis owne to teachGod ? What haft thou that thou haft not received ? What gift, or grace, what skill, what endowment haft thou that thou haft not received;and thou haft received it fromGod, & (hall hewho receives all his l!dowledge fromGod,teach God knowledge ? He is thefather of lightsfrom whom it every good andperfectgift;& (hall we be giving light to him fromwhom we receive it? David faith,In thy light we fee light (Pf36,9. ) And (hall we think that God needs our light to fee by ? The common light of the world is the Sun, will any man offer light, or hold upa candle to theSun ? Water comes from the fountain, and from that great feeder of all fountaines,the fea, will any man carry water to the fountaine, or make a Con- duite to fupply the fea ? Thirdly,When man bath conceived as much light ofknow- ledge fromGod ashe is capable of; fo that his veffel is brim full, when like Pau1(who by his abundance,or great meafures ofrevelation was in danger to beexalted above meafure) he bath asmuch as he canbeare ;What is all that abundance hut fcarcity, what is all that fulnefs butemptiaefs,compared with that aboundance and fulnefs which is in God. There is no fhadow of a comparifon between that light of knowledge which Mines out fromGod unto the molt comprehenfive Ddddd man